Category: Musicology

  • links for 2007-04-10

    Bayeux Tapestry animated (on YouTube) (tags: video medieval animation tapestry art craft) Magic Ink: Information Software and the Graphical Interface ‘information’ pushes back against ‘interaction’ (tags: design article usability interface software programming graphics toread interaction information terminology concepts frameworks patterns)

  • links for 2007-04-09

    “Design Patterns” Aren’t Critique of the ‘Gang of Four’ style design patterns arguing that they are more mundane and less useful and inspiring than the Christopher Alexander (“original”) concept of patterns for architectural design. (tags: patterns metapatterns programming design architecture design-patterns)

  • links for 2007-04-07

    JesusPets If Jesus returns tonight, who will feed your pets tomorrow? (tags: sacrelicious religion humor pets funny jesus christianity) “Self-Googling” Isn’t Just Vanity; It’s a Shrewd Form of Personal “Brand Management,” Says UB Internet-Culture Expert – UB NewsCenter Alex Halavais bought his own name from adwords to track how often people google him. (tags: identity…

  • links for 2007-04-06

    Identity 2.0 i still don’t know dick, but i should (tags: identity web2.0 identity2.0 ID digital design openid socialsoftware presence digitalID)

  • links for 2007-04-05

    MonsterID [] generate a unique monster avatar (tags: presence avatar monsterid avatars ID identity) – Talking to Myself with SimulScribe christopher fahey recommends automatic voicemail transcription to email service (tags: voicemail voice transcription notes notes-to-self recommendations) Interaction Design Style (My IA Summit 2007 Presentation) christopher fahey’s brilliant presentation, apologia for style in design (tags:…

  • links for 2007-04-04

    stikkit Vander Wal recommends… (tags: productivity web2.0 tools notes lifehack)