Category: Down to the Mountain

  • Down to the studio

    Down to the studio

    This record recording process started a year ago in February and for twelve months through January of this year we recorded one song a month, getting the basic tracks down. Since then we’ve been working on the arrangements and recording overdubs. I feel like we’re building momentum here toward the finish. In the meantime, I’ve…

  • Building the sound

    Building the sound

    In May, after a couple of grueling weeks at work, we got back into Goody Sound for a nice long session overdubbing four of the songs for my album. (As always, these are sneak peeks of rough mixes, works in progress.) Carnegie Hill Jeremy Goody is a fantastic engineer with razor-sharp ears, and Megasonic Sound…

  • I don’t want majestic splendor

    I don’t want majestic splendor

    Back into the studio again to lay down basic tracks for a fourth song for my album. This one is “Down to the Mountain,” which started off kind of in the mode of a string-band or folk-rock tune in my mind but seems to be heading for a more ethereal church-y feel so far.

  • Down to the Mountain (Please Set Me Free)

    Down to the Mountain (Please Set Me Free)

    Seems like the chorus has a mind of its own and has settled out into something like: Let me beSet me freeLet me be me, oh please, pleasePlease, set me free though we’ll see what happens once the Kincaid get their greasy mitts on it.

  • Down to the Mountain

    Set me free

  • Down to the Mountain (debut)

    I don’t need majestic splendor.