Category: bodega
Take a Picture It Lasts Longer
Last night, standing outside my backdoor, looking at the chimney on the grill, charcoal smoke wafting up into the air, the driveway sloping down to the old garage/shed, the billowy clouds and blue sky, a fantastic perspective, I thought about running to get my digital camera and snapping a picture, then thought, Art is about…
At Last, the '70s Again
I know that retro-’70s nostalgia has been with us for almost two decades ago. In fact, the television show called “That ’70s Show” is about a period now as long ago as the ’50s were when “Happy Days” was the rage. (Look closely and you’ll see that the show is somewhat similar, with another red-haired…
Posting from my TiMac
Just downloaded iJournal for Mac OS X. Discovered my Farallon Skyline wireless card doesn’t have a Carbon driver yet. Gonna try the OS X Eudora next. This thing is beautiful. I’ll snap a picture soon. Just attended EB’s art show opening at CCAC’s North Gallery on College at Broadway near the Oakland/Berkeley border. The whole…
That Urge to Go Underground
For the first time in months I keep feeling disinclined to report on my thoughts and observations here. Hard to explain why, except that I seem to have an awful knot in the pit of my stomach.
I Guess I Wasn't Really Paying Attention
Took a break from working on my book today to run three errands along Lakeshore and Grand aves today. First, I parked in the large lot on Lakeshore and walked by the crowd outside Peet’s across the street to my friendly bank from Washington that came in and bought up all the banks a few…
Five Questions
per and a bout of joiner-ism: 1. What was your first job? Doorman/assistant to rector at my old parish church, the Church of St. Thomas More. 2. Have you ever had an affair or fling with someone you worked with? Define affair or fling? Dated without announcing it to the rest of the office all…
You are Peter Tork
What’s with this quiz/popcult/metaphor meme that is sprouting like mushrooms along the blogging groutways?
Stuck on No. 1
If something is at the top of my to-do list and for some reason (usually unexamined) I don’t want to do it, then nothing can get done. Cork in the bottle, sand running through the hourglass. I’ve gone offlist. I’m off the grid. I’ve come unstuck in time. I don’t know which one of us…
Rhyme from My Childhood
Marijuana, marijuana L.S.D, L.S.D. Rockefeller makes it Nixon takes it Why can’t we? Why can’t we?
Torturing a Butterfly
A cat’s idea of fun. Sentimental fool I put the damaged butterfly out the wind where it fluttered to a tree limb, torn wings notwithstanding. Nature will make short work of the little yellow-y black living tapestry, I fear, but Fraidy won’t get the kill, not on my kitchen floor.
How to stop picking at the scabs, peeling the paint, worrying the cuticle? Deep breathing?
That Soapy Smell
My neighbors, are they running a laundry from their house? Every time I step out the front or back door I’m hit by that thick sickly sweet smell. Like a thousand diapers baby fresh.
it was a very good year
been watching “sex and the city” tapes of the second season with B. after seeing Big sing to Carrie I can’t get this tune out of my head! been TCB to quote Aretha and others. Starting to feel a weight lifting.
To Do: Burn To-Do List
It’s time once again for the purgative list of crossed-out to-do’s. This time dating back to Feb 11 (and, as always, excluding sensitive client-related matters): Write locale description for corporate website Rescope content retrofit Make changes to proposal Expenses Call Willem Chapter 11 due Chapter 8 due Photo to Eric (for writer’s conference) Notes to…
Another Way of Looking at It
I sometimes forget what sleep deprivation can do to my resilience. Can’t underestimate the value of getting enough sleep (and drinking enough water).
Clue about this funk
I think all my web wandering recently, research for my Dreamweaver book, greater involvement in blogging once again, is leading to that feeling I described to B on the phone today as the undertow—the feeling of being dragged out to sea. My eyes have always been bigger than my stomach, and my stomach bigger than…
microwave fun
You light up my life. x-post: memewatch
May No New Thing Arise
Isn’t that some kind of Irish blessing? That’s kind of how I’m feeling these days. Trying to learn how to say No, how to decline, how to end things, how to stop.
Some Things Don't Make Sense in Public
There is a writer’s dilemma: how do I handle the most powerful, juiciest thoughts and felings I have, how do I write about them, possibly make them public, if they will affect other people, possibly adversely? Don’t I at least owe it to those people affected to tell them first before blathering about gelling thoughts…
The Punch Line
Now that it’s (finally) raining again around here, naturally the freeways are filled with morning-commute accidents and delays (or they were a few hours ago). Combine that with the kid dropoff at Oakland High at the bottom of the hill I live on the side of, and you have the obstacle course I had to…
Do I Need to Get Out More?
Reading my Livejournal Friends page I am reminded that I am not fully socialized in this community yet. I have two friends besides the artsflow blog I set up, and 99% of the friends posts are by . I mean, Scot’s great and all, but I guess I need to read more journals and comment…