Category: Geopolitics

  • “Stuck in the middle with Jews…”

    Speaking as a Jew, can I say: how classic is it that Iran is responding to those Danish Mohammed-themed cartoons by sponsoring a cartoon contest about the Holocaust? I mean (speaking rhetorically now, but still as a Jew), how did we get caught in the middle here? Couldn’t they sponsor a cartoon contest about Hans…

  • What do you do…

    …when a political party that is pledged to your destruction wins on election day? I don’t mean folks who you suspect would get a kick out of your destruction — like, maybe, if you were destroyed they’d exchange a high-five on the side. But a group that’s been actively putting out the positive spin on…

  • Are they lining up Hizbollah for the Syria sequel?

    James Wolcott notices (Second Verse, Same as the First) that the Syrian-sponsored, Lebanon-based, Israel-hating Party of God terrorist group is being groomed for supervillain status in the next big middle east blockbuster coming soon to an election season near you. B said we should have a party of God in this country. We do, I…

  • Quote of the year

    I did not like fascists when I fought them as a diplomat for 23 years and I don’t like them now in my own country. From Ambassador Wilson, in an excellent interview posted on ye olde DailyKos.

  • The Bush Administration’s War on Tsunami

    The Bush Administration today announced its new policy: to wipe tsunami from the face of the earth. “We will find the tsunami where they live,” said one extremely senior administration official, speaking from an undisclosed vacation hideaway. “And we will smoke them out.”

  • prospects for peace

    Interim Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas says the Palestinean’s armed uprising has been a mistake and that Palistineans should pursue independence by peaceful means. This is, I’d say, big news.

  • So I’m reading the Oakland Tribune today…

    …and the front page headline sez: “Rush to Fill Void Left by Arafat.” And I’m sorry, but I just don’t think he’s up to the job. I just don’t.

  • If Kerry had been president, Saddam would still be in power

    Then again, if Bush had been president, Osama would still be at large.

  • The “Ties” That Blind

    AFP The White House insisted there were ‘ties’ that linked the former regime of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein to the Al-Qaeda terror network. DKo: Even if there weren’t any actual Al-Qaeda-ties, there were certainly Al-Qaeda-ties-related-program-activities. And actual Al-Qaeda ties could have been deployed within 45 minutes.

  • From the Washington Times, no less

    Found this on the redoubtable Buzzflash. Considering the source, Arnaud de Borchgrave of the Washington Times, it’s a remarkably cogent summary of the situation. Also a little off-message, especially the bullet point that “the war on terror” is a political fiction – “a misnomer tantamount to rhetorical disinformation.” Bleepin’ A, Arnie!

  • Allawi may have been a terrorist

    Hey, but at least he was “our” terrorist, kinda. He seems to have played every side of the street, according to a dossier rounded up by Ken Layne. The rundown on Allawi makes Chalabi sound relatively straightforward. I suppose in the interests of stability, if not democracy, a CIA-installed strongman ruling Iraq does make some…

  • Vietnam not irrelevant to today

    I heard from Harry Shearer’s Le Show that the U.K. is about to rotate a third of its troops out of Iraq (mostly Basra, I imagine) in a “routine” changing of the guard, and that the 60 civil engineers from New Zealand are leaving soon as well. Shearer also mentioned that the Col. Tim Collins,…

  • This blog, too, kills fascists

    The Thorn Papers

  • The gang that couldn’t shoot straight

    They blew it with the mobile phone monitoring of Osama, they outed Plame, and now they’ve burned a turned al Qaeda mole (double agent) for short-term political damage control: Read between the lines, and CNN is suggesting that the outing of Khan has led to greater caution in al-Qaeda and similar groups about using electronic…

  • Opportunity costs

    This op-ed chart from the NY Times compares how the money spent getting Saddam out of power could have been put to other uses in the war on people who hate our freedom. When someone asks you if it was worth it getting Saddam out, ask them “compared to what?”

  • Torturing the Death out of Them: Ours

    Al-Qaida detainee recants claims, The New York Times 7/31/04 A senior leader of al-Qaida was the main source for intelligence…that Iraq had provided training in chemical and biological weapons to members of the organization…. Ibn al-Shaykh al-Libi, a member of Osama bin Laden’s inner circle, recanted the claims sometime last year, …. about links between…

  • Americans tortured children at Abu Ghraib

    Boing Boing: Evidence for Hersh’s claims of child sexual abuse at Abu Ghraib? This story just gets more and more nauseating. What the fuck were these people thinking?

  • More fun with statistics: Iraqi death toll

    This morning I heard a report on TV – Fox I think, but it could have been CNN, about the mounting death toll in Iraq. The hawk guest quickly noted that Saddam killed an estimated 35 people per day from the time he took control of Iraq. 35 per day! That’s a staggering number. And…

  • Iraq Is Free! Rejoice!!

    Hooray!! Iraq is now a free, sovereign nation! Let me repeat that because it just sounds so sweet… Iraq is free!!! What a blessed day! I woke to the news yesterday morning and ran out into the street, heart and bathrobe aflutter, waiting for the throngs to join me in spontaneous celebration… Hmm. Well, it…

  • More than a few bad apples

    Is Chicago Tribune columnist Clarence Page the first mainstream pundit to affix -gate to the word Iraq (No contest: Iraq-gate trumps Monica-gate)?

  • But, Technically!

    In the face of George Bush’s “non-denial denials” (Woodward and Bernstein’s Watergate term) regarding torture, the British have so far bettered us in calling things by their right names. Bush sidesteps questions over prisoners’ torture, The Financial Times, 6/11/04 (article) …when asked whether he had authorised the use of aggressive interrogation techniques to fight the…