Category: Geopolitics

  • Reagan, Gorbachev and the End of the Cold War

    I feel that someone in this space needs to comment in some way on the Reagan legacy, so I guess I will. The two biggest things that will linger in memory are clearly the end of the cold war (good) and Iran-Contra (not good). The Cold War ended on his watch, and he certainly deserves…

  • I wasn’t kidding about the draft

    Even in my day (mid ’80s) they were taking away financial aid from any (poor) student who wouldn’t register for the (don’t worry there is no) draft (yet, anyway). Legislation just sitting there? Why haven’t I been reading this on the front page of the Times, or Salon even: He’s right. There is pending legislation…

  • Arab conspiracies theories about CIA given huge shot in the arm

    It looks like our [new] man in Iraq is publicly tied to the CIA, the US intelligence agency that many Arabs “on the street” reportedly believe secretly engineers all of their humiliations.

  • Evading Geneva

    Orcinus: Ted Olson and Abu Ghraib, a must-read: [Al Gore’s recent speech: “…] These policies were designed and insisted upon by the Bush White House. Indeed, the president’s own legal counsel advised him specifically on the subject. […”] Many others have zeroed in on this legal advice given to the president as being the real…

  • The 3-step exit plan

    George Saunders has a piece at Slate right now that is devastating in its brutal comedic factuality. This country is so far off track that just stating things plainly reads like near-dada absurdist poetic theatre. I recommend that you read the whole article, Exit Strategy, to get the full impact, but I will quote the…

  • Abu Whaa???

    How do you pronounce “Abu Ghraib”? I’ve heard a few different variations. I use a long “A,” as in the word “brake.” Regardless of what is most correct, anyone who has discussed the prison abuses there has by now settled on a way to say it. So why was the President still trying to figure…

  • Sheriff Woody Reaches Out to the Iraqi People

    “Iraqis will write their own history and find their own way. As they do, Iraqis can be certain a free Iraq will always have a friend in the United States of America.” – President Bush, May 25, 2004 I’m reminded of Robin Williams years ago describing doing an impersonation of then-President Bush, Sr., saying you…

  • Exit strategy theory

    Here’s an interesting theory about how the Bush folks may be planning to cut and run extract our forces from Iraq. We hand over sovereignty, the new government asks us to leave, we say “You didn’t say ‘Simon Says’,” they say it, and we leave.

  • International Day of Protests Against War and Racism

    APRIL 20 INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PROTEST AGAINST WAR & RACISM On March 4 and 5, activists from the U.S. took International A.N.S.W.E.R.’s call for April 20 to be an International Day of Protest Against War & Racism to the Second International Encounter in Solidarity and for Peace in Colombia and Latin America in Mexico City.…