Category: Edgewise
Two Headline-Writer Roommates
“Want to garner a DVD tonight? We could nab a good one.” “I’ll mull it, but don’t get roiled if I don’t. I’m not inking anything.”
Only in the Torah? Abraham challenges God.
And now for something completely different… In this week’s synagogue Torah reading, Genesis 18:1 – 22:24, God tells Abraham that Sodom and Gomorrah are to be destroyed, and Abraham challenges the morality of this decision. He morally challenges God. And God accepts. “Will You sweep away the innocent along with the guilty? What if there…
If the Republicans (and, increasingly, the media) get to keep calling us the “Democrat Party” instead of the “Democratic Party,” because they think it subliminally emphasizes the word “rat,” can we start calling them “Republicanists”? As in “What my Republicanist colleague forgets to mention is…” It would make people think “pianist” every time they thought…
It’s Morning in America
for reals.
Bush may find he is a President out of the loop..
While both the President and the Democrats have promised to seek new approaches on Iraq, pundits have noted that new approaches may just not be available. In particular, they say not to expect something new to be discovered by the Baker commission. But, the Baker mandate (report due at the end of the year) may…