Category: Edgewise
More on “Appearance of a Conflict of Interest”
I am inspired by Dumpster’s post below, to make a general point about “The Appearance of a Conflict Interest.” I believe the meanings of the key terms here have become distorted and compromised in recent years. It may not affect this EPA ruling directly, but the Inspector General did contribute to the convenient confusion surrounding…
Flip your WHIG
Over at Hullabaloo, Digby explains how the Plame investigation could conceivably unravel the conspiracy to build a false case for war in Iraq.
Appearance of Conflict of Interest
That’s a concept we’re hearing a a lot about lately: Over the weekend the Comical ran a WaPo story reporting that the EPA’s Inspector General says there is no such thing as quid pro quo: The inspector general’s yearlong review of the EPA’s writing of a rule to manage shop towels contaminated with toxic chemicals…
The “Barbara Bush Principle”
Papers Offer Peek at Miers’s Views Washington Post Miers, President Bush’s nominee to the Supreme Court, said in her 1995 letter to Bush that the legislation was a blatant attempt to protect a “handful of greedy, but immensely rich and powerful” trial lawyers. ————————– DKo: The legislation in question protected the use of a lawyer’s…
In Honor of the Yom Kippur Fast
This is from the weekly prophetical reading that is designated for Yom Kippur (Beginning this year on the evening of October 12.): Jeremiah 58 6 …this is the fast I desire: To unlock the fetters of wickedness, And untie the cords of the yoke To let the oppressed go free; To break off every yoke.…
If I were king
I just tried out Nathan Newman’s National Budget Simulator and, with a little tinkering, reduced the deficit by about 90%: Old budget was $3747.36 billion ($2672.527 billion in spending, $1074.833 billion in tax expenditures and cuts). New budget is $3369.49 billion ($2633.78 billion in spending, $735.71 billion in tax expenditures and cuts). You have cut…
My other adopted African child
I just agreed to give $10 every month to the Democratic National Committee. And now I feel like I’ve now got another adopted child out there in the Sudanese desert, going to a new school, hopefully. Getting wells put in for clean water. All of that. I hope they send me a picture as my…
No guarantee Rove won’t be indicted
And when the frogs, come marching out…. Think Progress :: BREAKING: Karl Rove to Give Additional Testimony … oh Lord I want Karl to be in that number, when the frogs go marching out. Though I’d easily let go of my Karl-wish to see him roll over on the boss. Update: I had titled this…
Weighing Justices
Justice may be blind and that’s for the good but what about those scales? When it comes to weighing one side against another I’m worried about size and heft overpowering brevity and thrift. Another way of imagining this concern is to place a bible on one side of the scale and the U.S. Constitution on…
I admit it
It amuses me that conservatives are just now beginning to notice how totally they’ve been played by Dear Leader. In fact, this thread a RedState is totally making my day. A few choice excerpts: We’re disgusted By: SpectatorGirl Bush lied to us. Let Kos cheer. The post below should not get lost, that her name…
Harriet Miers, fashion froward?
My first glimpse of the latest nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court on the afternoon news revealed not just your usual power-suited Washington insider. First, the suit was a serene royal blue, not screaming patriotic red. Beneath the suit jacket, nominee Miers sported a demure “high-collared” silk blouse, also in royal blue. Could this be…
Sorry Gallows Humour
The real problem with medical marijuana, the DEA says, is not its specific effects on health, but that it “sends absolutely the wrong message to elderly people.” This age group tends to view debilitating diseases as “cool,” and statistical studies indicate powerful peer-pressure for illness and pain at this age. It may also be a…
Grotian to the max
One of the best ways to follow Saddam Hussein’s trial may just be Case School of Law’s new Grotian Moment Blog. (via TalkLeft)
Fa love Pa!
OK, this story about missing killer dolphins in the Gulf Coast is just creepy.
Shock and Opossumism
Bush ‘encouraged’ despite report on Iraqi troops, Reuters During congressional testimony on Thursday, Gen. George Casey, top U.S. commander in Iraq, and Gen. John Abizaid, top U.S. commander in the Middle East, said the number of such battalions [that can go into combat without the help of the U.S. military] had dropped since July to…
George W. Ozymandias
It is hard to express how catastrophic these kinds of results from a very mainstream survey are for the President of unilateral “shock and awe.” There is no middle ground. The last great military Superpower must either rule the world , or else become mere meathead muscle for the policies of other lands Public Rejects…
War Is Where You Find It
Anti-war protesters pick up steam and take cause to D.C. . “Organizers expect more than 100,000 people for a march around the White House on Saturday. Sheehan is scheduled to speak. Rallies by war supporters are expected along the route.” USA Today 9/24/05 –The war supporters are expected to include some who support the current…
Call Me a Shabbas Goy, But…
This kind of thing turns my stomach: rove was just singing to the choir– curious group of people, look at the names alot of Jews must have been a strategy session I found it on the Huffington Post in a thread on off-the-record remarks by Karl Rove. The post, which I’ve quoted in full, is…
David Brooks can go to Hell or New Orleans
His choice–for saying “We have to think about whether we want to rebuild New Orleans” on the (Lehrer) News Hour this afternoon. Whaddya mean “we” Mr. Smarty Pundit?! Like, if a hurricane had destroyed Washington D.C. there would be a vote to decide whether or not it was wise to rebuild the nation’s capitol in…
Still somewhat slow on the uptake
Mike Brown took the hint, finally, and resigned as FEMA director. Look for him to receive the Medal of Freedom in a few months. Fortunately, Skeletor… er, I mean Chertoff is still firmly in control of Homeland Security.