Category: Edgewise

  • Reports of Pentagon Official’s Bloodying Greatly Exaggerated

    I should hope it was an exaggeration! And I hope that “ate him for lunch” was also greatly exaggerated Detainee Policy Sharply Divides Bush Officials NYT A central player in the fight over the directive is David S. Addington, who was the vice president’s counsel until he was named on Monday to succeed I. Lewis…

  • Yellowcake!: a journey back from ignorance

    Hey, the Democrats are finally getting mad about something! (Harry Reid shut down Senate business today saying, “… this administration manufactured and manipulated intelligence in order to sell the war in Iraq and attempted to destroy those who dared to challenge its actions…”) I feel for them. I’m just working up a head of steam…

  • In which I predict the future again!

    I predict that in just a few hours it will be proven once and for that I cannot in fact predict the future!

  • How the War Has to Compete with the War-Profiteers

    Especially when it’s only mere Iraqis who die. From the NYT Lack of Armor Proves Deadly for Iraqi Army “The Iraqis put quite a few more people in their trucks, and those trucks aren’t armored,” Major Warren said. “No armor plus more people in the truck equals a substantially higher casualty rate.” The Army unit…

  • These US soldiers in Iraq present such an excruciating paradox.

    These US soldiers in Iraq present such an excruciating paradox. On the one hand, we have seen how, with the right (i..e., wrong) people and setting, the slippery slope of prisoner abuse plummets deep into the abyss. But then there is the astonishing generosity, altruism, self-sacrifice that can show up, something that they almost take…

  • A Sweet Old Baseball Rivalry

    The Chicago White Sox’ unexpected sweep of the Boston Red Sox in this year’s World Series calls to mind the mostly forgotten early years of the game, when Baseball franchises were owned mainly by the major cookie companies, and the classic rivalry was between the Baltimore Oreos and the Chicago Hydrox.