Category: Edgewise

  • We’re on the right track

    Josh Koenig at Music for America has compiled this map debunking the whole “the kids didn’t show up” meme that was going around the web on Wedneday (Looking Into The Future…). If these trends hold, the map shows a bright future for a more progressive America. Let’s not write off any more generations and any…

  • Freedom’s just another word for “let me tell you what to do”

    As I was laying in bed last night counting Republicans, I started thinking about the whole “moral values” thing. What I realized–and maybe this should be filed under “bleeding obvious”–is that the two main issues, gays and abortion, are both classic cases of “I should be free to follow my values, and you also should…

  • No one ever said saving the world would be easy

    Every generation has its challenge. We’ve had it fairly easy till now. Sure, it was rough when “Happy Days” got cancelled. But, you know, we perservered. This is our moment. This is our generation’s challenge. How we respond will define us and determine history. I don’t want to be the good Germans, the ones who…

  • Johnny, we hardly knew ye

    Nice speech by Mr. Kerry – positive, thoughtful, inspirational even. At one point he appeared to shed a tear. Funny how candidates always seem to be at their best when the campaign is over – especially, for some reason, in concession speeches. I remember watching Gore when he (finally) conceded and thinking, “Wow, he’s an…

  • America, You Ignorant Slut

    That phrase has been running through my head all morning. It makes me laugh, and I need to laugh, because this election has been a stark reminder of just how backward we are as a country. Not stupid, but gullible, easily manipulated, ruled by fear, and still in possession of a whole laundry list of…

  • Bush’s war

    I gather that the next 11 to 90 days may end up as a three-ring circus after Democrats wake up and start sifting through any possible signs of discrepancies in Tuesday’s apparent Republican blowout (popular vote advances, gains in both houses of Congress, and so on). I suppose there is some possible future in which…