Category: Edgewise
“Dear Mr. President”
This video “DearMr. President” is very powerful, insightful, and seriously moving. The singer, Pink, is a top-rank music star, and I think it will probably be playing on MTV. She opens it by saying, “This is the most important song I have ever written.” This second one, “I’m the Decider,” is just very clever, ingenious,…
Rolling Stone Rolls W.
Was the whole reason George Sr. and company wanted George Jr. to become president just to make Sr.’s adminstration look competent by comparison? Well, on that score at least, mission accomplished. Now Rolling Stone (credit where due, I first saw this mentioned on our beloved dailykos) weighs in on the possibility that W. may be…
Michael Jackson Bailout
Michael Jackson Bailout Said to Be Close – New York Times
is it just me that thinks we’ve lost our minds?
During all the recent news hoopla about the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui I kept trying to remember what he actually did. Did he fly the planes? (No, those guys are all dead). Did he plan the attacks? (Hmmm, wasn’t that Osama bin Laden?). Did he aid and abet any of the dead guys who flew…
P.S. to F.Y.T. PG&E
“The new team” now running Enron, according to spokesman Harlan Loeb, believes a proposed settlement with federal regulators that would prevent disclosure of evidence that reveal how Enron gamed the energy trading markets during the California energy crisis, is “the best deal for creditors.” The audiotapes, email, and other documents detail how Enron’s energy traders…
well fuck you too PG&E
Emerging from the basement where I am on flood watch, I went out to the dripping mailbox to fish out our soggy load of coupons, bills, and bank card come-ons, including the Pacific Gas & Electric Company invoice for the month of March. March, the “40 days and 40 nights” of relentless rain in which…
My Wild Speculation on Iran
LBJ liked to leak escalations, then deny them–two or three times over. When they actually occurred, it was already Old News. Such sequences can easily have a six-month or two-year time-line, if you wish to align them with elections. Is there an Iran strike in the pipeline? There is no good reason. It will be…
Key Bush quote decouples two issues
“The Smoking Quote”? In this item from ABC news, the wording of the quote they cite from President Bush decouples what he refers to as the “leak of classified information”– within this specific context –from the particular leak of Plame’s CIA identity: “He also spoke out after allegations surfaced that administration officials had leaked the…
watching the detectives
Tony Soprano shoulda thought of it: hiring a couple of NYPD detectives as mob assassins. But it was “Tony” Casso who thought of it first. In today’s installment of an entertaining and wryly horrific series, Alan Feuer at the NYT brings us the courtroom finale to the trial of Louis Eppolito and Stephen Caracappa, found…
Reuters: Bush said likely to replace Treasury chief Snow
I don’t think Bush is really qualified for that position, but the move does show some humility, and at least he wouldn’t be President anymore.
ghost workers of America
I read with interest a review in the Sunday S.F. Chron by Noam Lupu of Louis Uchitelle’s new book, “The Disposable American: Layoffs and Their Consequences” which looks at the now common-place American phenomenon of worker layoffs and the effects of these layoffs on ordinary Americans. The statistics are startling but it’s the stories that…
what would Mr. Rogers do?
can you say “habeas corpus“? What if King Friday got taken away to a secret jail in the middle of the ocean by the Central Intelligence Agency? And the government said King Friday could not file a writ of habeas corpus because he had no rights. Because Congress just happened to sort of incidentally take…
red dwarf exits red america Blogger Quits Amid Furor “When I was 17, I was certainly sloppy,” said Domenech, who did not graduate from college. “If I had paid more attention, none of these problems would have happened.” Is this statement: False__ Plagiarized__ Really stupid__ (what score did WashPost’s Jim Brady get?)
Color Theory: “Red America” and “Red Dawn”
Edgewise readers are probably familiar with the story of the Washington Post Online’s new right-wing blog, “Red America,” written by a 24-year-old sometime Republican speechwriter named Ben Domenech, who also runs the site. Various writers at Daily Kos & eslewhere have detailed the various aspects that make his hiring so egregious — that a…
Does the Bush team need fresh blood? Part II
The Bush team has no difficulty infusing fresh blood; they generate it in vast quantities and on a global scale. But the political problem remains: they flame out when exposed to daylight, and they can’t see their own reflection in a mirror. Dead giveaway.
Crybabies grow up to be conservatives
According to this study it’s the anxiety and paranoia that breeds a conservative.
Shake-up? Does the Bush team need fresh blood?
Cheney Dismisses Suggestions of Shake-Up Associated Press “Senior Republicans and others have said the Bush team may need an infusion of fresh blood…” DKo: Well, there’s always corporate Middle Management. They haven’t bled them completely dry just yet.
We would welcome Iranian financing to influence our politics.
Washington Post “The Bush administration is asking Congress for $75 million…to promote democracy in Iran….The plan…includes fostering independent media inside Iran. “The final $15 million would go toward nongovernmental organizations and civic education on the lines of what the federally chartered National Endowment for Democracy carries out in a wide variety of countries.” DKo: This…
Let’s take South Dakota
Let the Libertarians take over New Hampshire (quickly, though – it’s trending Blue). Let the religious nuts have South Carolina (Nick, we’ll find another home for you). Let’s take over South Dakota (apparently, it’s not that hard to do).
What About the Misidentified Victims?
A growing number of people, having been duly convicted of heinously violent crimes, are now being released and put back on the street, based on newly fashionable legal technicalities such as DNA mismatches. We hear the predictable chorus of soft-on-crime lobbies, running on ad nauseum about the precious civil rights of misidentified convicts–even when the…
Oops! The truth!
House Speaker Dennis Hastert, an Illinois Republican, said in a statement that Cunningham’s sentence “should send a strong message that no one is above breaking our nation’s laws, including the Members of Congress who make them.”