Category: Information design

  • Get Real 2.0

    For readers of RFB who don’t follow my Power of Many blog, I just want to point out that I’ve taken the “Get Real” philosophy of 37 Signals and turned it up to 11.

  • Nice mention of my FrontPage book

    In Tools to start an e-business, Aneeta Sundararaj writes that he she benefitted from the simple instructions in the book FrontPage Savvy, co-authored by myself and Kate J. Chase: Microsoft FrontPage 2003 by Christian Crumlish and Kate J. Chase. Published by Sybex. Before I got the book, I was doing most of the designing by…

  • Permission to link

    Let’s be path of least resistance about linklogging: I’ll add a new category (unless you think links don’t need a category but do need to be categorized using existing categories. Start posting links to that category (or to any category). Use the title field, but it can be a simple keyword, no requirement for pithy…

  • Hippies smoked my website

    Via MediaSavvy (a site whose brand combines two of my favorite buzzwords of recent times), I found this article called The Web’s Hippie Period is So Over. It’s an amusing take on the usual web dev chitchat, despite its ahistorical spin on the recent past. Gerry McGovern, the article’s author, is a content guy, web…

  • Pure CSS tabs technique

    Web maestro Mark Pilgrim is always very generous about documenting his experiments and his solutions. In his Dive into Mark blog he’s working on a new design and has posted a discussion of the \”pure CSS\” technique he’s using to produce navigation tabs. This is something I’ve been trying to understand for a long time…

  • Persistent PHP/MySQL shopping cart with DMX

    I’ve been playing around with Dreamweaver’s PHP/MySQL support more lately, using it to generate repeating elements from attached data sources and simple things like that. So now I think I’m ready try to understand a more elaborate project. Mitchell Harper’s Building a Persistent Shopping Cart with PHP and MySQL might be just the ticket. [Macromedia…

  • Taxonomy primer at Lexonomy

    Lexonomy has published A Taxonomy Primer. Taxonomies are the organizational schemes used to sort the data presented through the information architecture. (via xBlog)

  • Blogger site design contest

    Just as Blogger turned to its userbase to supply alternative templates for Blogger blogs, they are now once again running a contest, this time for their upcoming site upgrade. In fact, from the document’s title bar (“Blogger – Template Contest”), I’d say they used the old contest page as a template. Why do Blogger’s design…

  • CSS toggle bookmarklet

    Scot Hacker passes this along, saying: “Very cool bookmarklet for web developers—open this as a URL, then drag the bookmark icon to your toolbar”: javascript:i=0;if(document.styleSheets.length>0){cs=!document.styleSheets[0].disabled;for(i=0;i<document.styleSheets.length;i++)document.styleSheets[i].disabled=cs;};void(cs=true);. Now you can toggle CSS on and off for any page (with any browser).

  • Everything can be a link (with Mozilla)

    This article, Everything Can Be a Link with Mozilla… describes a method for targetting any subsection of webpage without requiring preexisting name anchor tags. (via Ev)

  • Best Practices with CSS in

    Best Practices with CSS in Dreamweaver MX: This article discusses best practices when using CSS and highlights specific CSS features in Dreamweaver MX. (Fixed the link.)

  • Macromedia extending Flash to Java, .Net app servers

    According to Infoworld: “Macromedia will extend Flash Remoting MX to .Net and Java application servers, enabling Internet application development for these platforms based on Macromedia’s technology.”

  • Allaire's New Blog

    Jeremy Allaire has joined “the ranks of what Jon Udell calls CXO Blogs” with a mixed personal and professional blog “about media, communications and applications over the Internet.” According to one of his first entries: Over the past six-months, like many other netizens, I’ve become addicted to browsing and subscribing to blogs. My company has…

  • Blog Template Dreamweaver Tutorial Up at The Screen Savers Site

    My taped appearance is this coming Monday, September 16, but TSS has already put the online tutorial component up at their site. The tutorial covers a little more ground than we were able to get to in my segment. On the air, I basically just show how to edit colors and fonts in an existing…

  • Flash/Shockwave/Director Branding Confusion

    Krzysztof Kowalczyk wonders about how Macromedia differentiates its various product offerings: I got interested in creating flash animations. I went to Macromedia site. I was confused. From their product description I couldn’t figure out which product does what. Thanks to mostly prior knowledge, I figured out that Dreamweaver MX is for web page design, FreeHand…

  • Dreamweaver Extension for Editing Radio Themes

    Dave points out that Macromedia is supporting Radio Themes in Dreamweaver MX: Many thanks to Macromedia for supporting Radio in the latest release of Dreamweaver. “For Dreamweaver MX developers, the kit contains extensions for website building and application development. The extensions help display data in PHP applications, add functions to the file menu in Dreamweaver,…

  • More Dreamweaver Blog Template Links

    Here are some of the sites or links I may mention or display on today’s show (hmm, megan hosting, cool … no listing for me… hmm) … or not: Still Blogging After All These Years with generic design Blogger Blogger Pro) Still Blogging After All These Years with new design Radio CSS-based template for Radio…

  • Finished Tutorial for TSS

    I’ve completed the web version of the tutorial for my Tuesday appearance on the Screen Savers. It’s in very basic HTML because it’s really a submission to the Screen Savers website and a companion to the material I’ll cover on the air. When I have a chance I’ll clean it up a little and put…

  • Zeldman Recommends Tables

    Let the religious war end. With the wit and panache we’ve become accustomed to, Zeldman discusses real-world pragmatic choice for commercial web design or the development of any site that wishes to be presentable and accessible to as wide an audience as possible. As ugly as hacking and debugging nested tables can get, let’s admit…

  • Feedback on Design and Legibility

    While on the one hand it’s self-indulgent to devote so many column inches to discussing the design of this site and its legibility for my readership, on the other hand I’m sure many of the opinions would apply to any blog, so in that spirit I’m going to quote from some of the public comments…

  • My Backdrop Loses Me a Reader

    Just when I was about to brag about having hidden the design of this site from Netscape 4.7, it appears that my new funky backdrop has cost me at least one reader: Have you ever stopped reading or cut down on your reading of a weblog because they changed the design? Radio Free Blogistan, one…