Category: Nanopublishing

  • Going down to the x road

    (Ramblings from last week on Never get there on time. So I’m falling behind on testing Textpattern and while I like the spigots idea is it still too complicated for me to wrap a less dynamic not-really-a-blog page idea around? Or do I need to push it up a notch. Does the output side…

  • Corante's social software blog

    It’s a group blog, naturally. Corante seems to be going after their particular nanopublishing niche quite aggressively. The social software blog has been very thought-provoking these last few weeks (I read it in my aggregator, though, and often don’t know right away who’s speaking). This post (Jabber and Decentralization) prompted me to save this blog…

  • New arts journal: Princeton Independent

    Princeton University hosts an alumni network service called TigerNet, featuring mailing lists among other services. One such list is called Princeton-Writing and serves as a kind of coffeepot for writers. Eric Lubell, a writer from the Princeton class of ’76, felt that alumni are not especially well served by … [artsflow]

  • Reports of the Death of Publishing Greatly Exaggerated

    Don Park responds to Ray Ozzie’s obituary for publishing, saying “Publishing is not dead.” I would tend to agree. Publishing is definitely sick, buffeted by unfamiliar pressures, in disarray, due for some changes, racing to keep up with technology changes, slow to adopt technology. Publishing is many things. (I feel mildly qualified to comment myself…