Category: Nanopublishing

  • Critique of Weblogs, Inc., plan

    Nick Denton offers a good-natured, if tough, critique of Jason Calcanis’ business plan for Weblogs, Inc., inBlog empires. Denton thinks that the trade-publishing angle might bear fruit, but he doesn’t see revenue sharing as a particularly likely way to compensate authors, he offers some insightful observations about the value of branding to the individual writers,…

  • Canniblogs?

    A friend of mine asked me if there are any pot blogs. A quick search found a reference to this Slash-style group weblog at Marijuana.Com and a number of topical blog entries, but that’s it. It seems like a natural for a personal blog. Or maybe a drugs blog in general. Maybe I should have…

  • SacBee wrestles with blog journalism

    This column by the Sacramento Bee’s ombudsman (Are Bee’s standards for Web lower than for print?) addresses two incidents, an unedited press release published under a byline, and some controversial assertions (OK, opinions), stated by columnist Daniel Weintraub in his overnight-sensation California Insider political weblog, with its sometimes minute-by-minute coverage of the twists and turn…

  • Check, 1, 2

    Well, first the New York blackout knocked all my sites off the air just in time for Fair and Balanced day, and then when the power came back to my server on Saturday all my domains came up except for Puzzled, I finally realized that by a cosmic coincidence, the domain name registration had…

  • RFB obsolete

    One nice thing about the LazyWeb is that if you get tired of doing something, don’t worry about it. There are probably other people already out there doing it, possibly better than you were. I’m sort of in a dilemma with Radio Free Blogistan. I’ve put a lot of energy over the last year making…

  • Definitions category?

    I’m thinking of setting up a category called Definitions and then occasionally writing posts giving my take one “what is a weblog” and all the other jargon in this field. It’s a huge barrier to entry! Then I can link to them in the sidebar for new visitors too. I also plan to prune the…