Category: Radio Free Blogistan

  • You know you're obsessed with blogging when

    You lie about the size of your readership… in a dream.

  • Finding a better metaphor

    I think Annalee Newitz is onto a better frame for blogging than the tired old media-pundit sliver in her Techsploitation column in the SF Bay Guardian: reality TV. It seems in many ways as if our entire media culture is devoted to broadcasting ephemera. Blogs, like reality TV, record the minutiae of our everyday lives,…

  • NY and LA Times articles miss the big picture

    Following up on Rayne’s previous post and filchyboy’s addendum, my sense is that while Billmon is clearly thoughtful and a great writer, he makes the same mistake Klam made in the Times magazine cover story, which is to view the A-list, top-of-the-power-law bloggers for the whole shmear. Of course some will cross over and sell…

  • NetNewsWire 2.0 public beta

    Happy, happy. Joy, joy. (Gotta love Ranchero.)

  • The blog conference on the Well

    A year or so ago, with the help of Jon Lebkowsky, I started an independent conference on the Well called blog.ind. Plenty of people on the Well are blog-savvy already of course (case in point: Cory Doctorow), but the information about blogging was scattered across a number of confs, and I also detected a bit…

  • I'll be the one in the orange Yankees cap

    I’m meeting RFB co-contributor Liza Sabater outside P.S. 122 in my old neighborhood in just over an hour. Liza and I last met face to face something like six or eight years ago, so Liza, in case your blogging between now and 6:45, I wanted to tell you I’d be wearing my orange and black…