Category: Radio Free Blogistan
You know you're obsessed with blogging when
You lie about the size of your readership… in a dream.
Finding a better metaphor
I think Annalee Newitz is onto a better frame for blogging than the tired old media-pundit sliver in her Techsploitation column in the SF Bay Guardian: reality TV. It seems in many ways as if our entire media culture is devoted to broadcasting ephemera. Blogs, like reality TV, record the minutiae of our everyday lives,…
NY and LA Times articles miss the big picture
Following up on Rayne’s previous post and filchyboy’s addendum, my sense is that while Billmon is clearly thoughtful and a great writer, he makes the same mistake Klam made in the Times magazine cover story, which is to view the A-list, top-of-the-power-law bloggers for the whole shmear. Of course some will cross over and sell…
NetNewsWire 2.0 public beta
Happy, happy. Joy, joy. (Gotta love Ranchero.)
The blog conference on the Well
A year or so ago, with the help of Jon Lebkowsky, I started an independent conference on the Well called blog.ind. Plenty of people on the Well are blog-savvy already of course (case in point: Cory Doctorow), but the information about blogging was scattered across a number of confs, and I also detected a bit…
I'll be the one in the orange Yankees cap
I’m meeting RFB co-contributor Liza Sabater outside P.S. 122 in my old neighborhood in just over an hour. Liza and I last met face to face something like six or eight years ago, so Liza, in case your blogging between now and 6:45, I wanted to tell you I’d be wearing my orange and black…