Category: Salon Bloggers

  • Conversational blogging

    Steve Bowdrick writes in the Guardian (UK), that the best blogs leave room for the reader and other bloggers to complete, refute, or expand on the ideas expressed: Weblogs produce a class of conversation that is, if it works, of the highest quality, fuelled by the open-mindedness of the blogger and continually refreshed by provocation…

  • Like father, like son

    This Reuters graphic published in Yahoo! News – Politics yesterday speaks volumes: (Tried posting this directly to Bite Media but problems with Blogger Pro are preventing the FTP upload….)

  • Kowgirl no. 1 with a bullet

    A tip of the hat to the Reverse Cowgirl who’s blog passed Scott Rosenberg’s to become tops in Salon’s all-time rankings today.

  • Redirecting my old RSS feed

    There’s no way to force people who have blogrolled my old address update their links. I can only assume that they haven’t checked back much since their initial burst of inclusion, or if they have that they think I stopped blogging sometime last October. Then there are those who subscribed to my old RSS feed…

  • Blogging as writing practice

    Rayne Today: “I never thought of myself as a writer. Now I am, and it’s not a title one has bestowed upon them by others, but one I earn every day through my efforts here.”

  • Salon bloggin'

    Give me The Raven on the State of the Union over The Bleat on the same any day.. A few new Salon blogs have caught my busy eye lately: Fiona, for instance, and Hyperbole. Both are well written and have built up a nice head of steam. Fiona’s also now posting great cartoons (Salon, hire…