Category: Salon Bloggers
Economist Catches On to Blogs
Chaord Everywhere I Look caught this citation in the Economist (every thinking liberal’s favorite noninsane conservative news voice). Funny that they thought bOing bOing was a tech blog, though. Daryl questions the characterization of blogs as the “anti-newspaper”: I disagree. I think blogs are the anti-advertisement. Ads are always trying to portray the good things…
Salon Blogs Logo (Unofficial)
Playing around with my site design today, I modified the Salon logo from the default Salon Blogs banner so that it looks like this: If you feel like using it, drag this graphic into your www/images/ folder (or right-click on it—click and hold with a Mac—and save it to that folder). You’ll then need to…
MSNBC to Host a Blogspace
I suppose Salon Blogs are to TableTalk as this new MSNBC blogspace will be to their bulletin boards (doubt they’re really “chat rooms” as that distinction is lost on most journalists): Blog’s the word at The news site will introduce a new Web logs section by the end of August, a move that will…
Great Googly Moogly!
It’s interesting to look at who’s been googlin’ at my door. My referer logs each day list about 5-7 hits from google searches. They’ve included so far today: blogistan salon blogistan blogistan salon livejournal templates templates livejournal php mysql how to bloggers where to find lj livejournal templates Anyway, I’ve started referring to Google as…
Radio Static, Radio Silence
This morning Radio is stripping the headings off my posts (probably messing up the mirror too), and generating this error: [Macro error: The file “08” wasn’t found.] Guessing that this has something to do with the change of month and the fact that Radio’s been running continually on my desktop through several sleep cycles. I…
"Plan B" Slashdotted
Congratulations to Plan B, a “blog novel.” A post to Slashdot has sent its readership through the roof! The commentary there ranges from cogent to frankly what you’d expect.
Info Outranks pr0n!
This is meta-meta-blog stuff so I’m keeping it off the home page, but thanks to another link from the widely read Dave Winer this blog is racking up more hits today than the pornoblog, at least for today.
Vanity Domain Names?
I noticed today that Scott Rosenberg’s blog can be reached by pointing to as an alternative to the serial-number address we all get. Is that a perk for Salon employees only, I wonder, or is there a way to make that possible for us, the great unwashed? I’m thinking would be kinda nice.
Radio vs. Blogger Celebrity Deathmatch
10’s Links defends the choice of Radio/Salon over Blogger today, with attitude.
Geekfun Adds…
Erik Speckman linked to my comparison and had these comments to add: I’d add that updating Live Journal from any web browser is much more natural than doing the same thing with Radio. With live journal, one web browser is the same as any other because the blog management application is a traditional web application.…