Category: Salon Bloggers

  • Ex-Republican Huffington bemoans new Stepford Pelosi

    I’ve been in there rooting for “San Francisco Democrat” Nancy Pelosi, though I know her mainly as a fundraiser, and cutting her some slack as she tries to reposition the Democrats in congress, but Arianna Huffington put her finger on a real concern in her recent Salon column today… [Bite Media]

  • Tour Update

    Your Salon Blog Tour of Quality My rant.It’s someone new almost every day now, hyping themselves big time. And I haven’t talked about it directly … oblique is more my style … but I’ve got to say this once and try to wise a couple of you up. (I don’t want to write about this…

  • Watchword Issue 4 Release Party at Café du Nord (in S.F.) on December 8

    Watchword Press is proud to announce the release of their fourth issue of Watchword by hosting an exciting evening of literary entertainment featuring contributors Ishle Yi Park, Maw Shein Win, and Stephanie Young. Also, come hear the mesmerizing music of Zmrzlina, Sonny Smith, and The Ebb and Flow. And… you… [artsflow]

  • Hoback quality tour of quality

    Your Salon Blog Tour of Quality It’s like so, so, oh, what’s the phrase for what I need to say? Agh nugirn ngkyew, afnwa tnirnada bies, no? Eerie. To answer this week’s most popular question, no, you cannot nominate candidates for the Salon Blog Death Watch. I know, it’s tempting, but the cardinal rule is…

  • Over 10,000 served at Dreaming of China

    At some point most likely tonight, this blog will pass its 10,000th hit. I get a real sense of satisfaction out of that. Sure, I’m willing to be that at least 1,000 of those hits are from me reloading trying to figure out if this page design or that style sheet tweak worked, but still…

  • Quality tour

    Your Salon Blog Tour of Quality Gonna be a mighty short tour tonight, little buddies. Just finished putting the latest edition of Virtual Occoquan to bed. It’s the best one yet, I must say. Briefly… Dreaming of China writes about the end of the left in American politics. Semi Truths, long considered an abandoned blog,…