Category: Salon Bloggers

  • Vive La France

    A Chronicle article from January 24 circulating among my environmentalist brethren and sistren (Taking on ‘Rational Man’) discusses the politics of academic economics, and the animosity between neoclassical economists and dissidents. While professors in the U.S. are being marginalized in subsidiary theoretical programs, French grad students have taken the lead in the rebellion: The dissidents…

  • Sometimes I get a great notion

    T. C. Boyle (or as the old New Yorker cartoon had him, T. Whatsisname Boyle) was on Forum today on KQED and I called in to ask him a question. I wanted to mention how much I liked Sorry Fugu, which I think I read originally in a Best American Short Stories anthology in the…

  • A chilling effect, kinda

    Farhad Manjoo at Salon has an interview with the operator of the parody site, discussing the recent letter from the Office of the Vice President asking them to stop being mean to mean ol’ Lynne Cheney.

  • Overview of moving a Radio blog to a new host

    A friend planning a host change (from an address based on usernum to a custom domain name) asked me for advice on making the move. Based on my own experience, I tossed off a list of things to do roughly in order. Warning: I may have left out something crucial! This list is a work…

  • i didn't do it!

    been blogging too much lately, need to inhale a bit, step back, tighten the filter, play some cards closer to the chest, work offline. but stream of jottings notes, nonincriminating, can easily to publicly or privately. any reason to publish raw stream? so anyway, the cowgirl attributes an upskirt beaver shot to me to the…

  • Why publishers shouldn't host weblogs and how they should

    Tom Coates, the A-List hunk who once called this humble blog “astoundingly useful” (or something like that &8211; it was in my comments and they’re not searchable and I’m not together enough to capture testimonials on the spur of the moment) offers a cogent analysis of why content publisher shouldn’t host weblogs, meaning mainstream media…

  • Joined Salon Bloggers webring

    Another gesture of solidarity. Posting mainly to reload the page.

  • Playing with the MT-RSSfeed plugin

    So far I’ve tried several different methods for aggregating posts from multiple blogs onto one page. One method is the multiauthor tool I use in Radio to pick up the RSS feeds from my other blogs and post them to the x-syndicate category here at RFB. Then if I want those posts to show up…

  • administrivia: New Blogrolls

    Just added: Well Bloggers, Salon Bloggers. After that the usual C-List, Partisan Hacks, Web Design Gurus, and reciprocators. One day I’ll get my OPML act together. (The Salon blogroll was already on the “salonika” page but I’m adding it to the main RFB page now, as we try to knit together and weather the latest…

  • This morning I woke up in a curfew…

    First-hand reports from Miguel Octavio of The Devil’s Excrement indicate that Hugo Chavez has jailed opposition leaders in Venezuala: Woke up in a Dictatorship todayToday I woke up in a Dictatorship. Up to now Hugo Chavez and his hoodlums had been using the law to “hide” the repressive and intolerant nature of this Government. Last…

  • Brush with Havel

    Let’s Hear Your Havel Anecdotes! Everybody’s got one. Mine was already written once, by Greg McIlvaine. To loosen up your memory box, here’s a fine David Remnick essay in the New Yorker, a Paul Wilson National Post account of Havel’s last days, and some Guardian reminiscences from Timothy Garton Ash. –Matt Welch Brush with Havel…

  • Lucky Ducky strikes again

    Tom the Dancing Bug has been having a great old time lampooning the Wall Street Journal’s Lucky Duckies trial balloon that complained about the unfair and progressive U.S. federal income tax.

  • Standing Room Only at Live from the Blogosphere!

    Preliminary reports are coming in from SRO (see the entry following the one I’ve linked here as well, although he mentions sighting me—or another xian?—there when as far as I know I was still here up north at the time): Dear Bloggers: Well, the jig is up. I’ve seen you. I went to the Live…

  • Imminent death of Salon predicted —Film at 11

    Yesterday I was tipped off by the Raven about this news story in which Salon warned that it might not survive past this month (February, 2003) and that it hasn’t paid any rent on its office space since December. I dropped by the Well (which predates but is currently owned by Salon) to check in…

  • Bush plan for Korea nukes

    Pesky the Rat sez: “White House concerned North Korean missiles might eventually target states that voted for Bush.” “As long as those Dongs are aimed at the commie pinkos on the coast, we’re all right, but the second they aim those suckers at Idaho, there’ll be hell to pay.” [Pesky the Rat]

  • Administrivia: Redirecting visitors from 000111

    There are still so many blogs and sites pointing to this site’s old address, that I thought I’d add an automatic refresh-to-the-new address (after 10 seconds to get oriented and then again quickly disoriented) to the template for the old-school page.

  • While you were out (protesting)

    The war has already started. The Pentagon was leaking all over the place yesterday that we already have special forces inside Iraq. For example, the Washington Post reported: U.S. Special Operations troops are already operating in various parts of Iraq, hunting for weapons sites, establishing a communications network and seeking potential defectors from Iraqi military…

  • Just can't leave it alone

    I’ve already overcommented on the Burningbird: Boys with Toys thread (and related) at BurningBird, but I went back and read the three entries and their tails of comments again and I still feel that the various points of view are largely talking past each other, partly because they (we) are also having a metaconversation. The…

  • Blog startup advice for newbies

    Dave Pollard of How to Save the World offers some advice for blog beginners ported from the world of entrepreneurship. I’ll summarize the points here, but you’ll have to rack up a hit on his blog to get the full picture: Give the market what it wants. Be patient. Don’t copycat. Learn from your successes…

  • Conason's theory for the Sun's tirade

    In Salon today Joe Conason speculates about the Sun’s recent editorial opposing freedom of speech for anti-war marchers: I called Sun editor Seth Lipsky—a journalist with a good reputation who professes his devotion to “individual liberties”—to ask why he had published something so irresponsible and rabid. He writes most if not all of the Sun’s…

  • Blather beats pr0n again

    Hey, I just passed Pornographer’s Picks to regain the coveted No. 8 spot in Salon’s all-time blog rankings. Woo-hoo. We’re No. 8! We’re No. 8! USA! USA!