Category: Salon Bloggers

  • Say amen somebody

    Hugh of SRO testifies. He wants to be a preacher: I want a choir too. I want them all to wear Satin Robes and sway back and forth like big happy birds perched in a row on a telephone line. We could have guest singers every week. Superstars like Sting would call me and beg…

  • Who wants to bukkake a millionaire?

    Recently I did a few technical favors for this friend of mine and to show her gratitude she offered me a little gratuity, some of the spillover from her enormous pr0n collection. Today the USPS left a box on my doorstep and it brought to mind that old song: And it’s just a box of…

  • Bay Area Salon Bloggers meetup?

    Not to exclude anyone, but it seems that a lot of the people blogging here at Salon are based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Maybe in the new year we should try to put together a party or something?

  • Michel Vuijlsteke renames his blog

    Michel Vuijlsteke’s blog is now called Tales of Drudgery and Boredom. I like it! (Even though it looks like he’ll be overtaking Radio Free Blogistan as the number four all-time blog in the Salon blogs rankings….) As for myself, I won’t be posting much this week, as I’m packing for my trip to New York…

  • Hey, remember yesterday when I

    Hey, remember yesterday when I told you that the brand new was on-line? That was kinda true. I mean it was on-line. It just wasn’t complete.Now it is, so go visit. No, really, now. I don’t have all day.

  • Used to be known as

    Used to be known as the Slogers Quality Tour. Tonight it

  • Lott is toast Politics | Lott’s amnesia On Tuesday, on the racist Web site, past Lott supporter Richard Barrett expressed offense that Lott would retract his remarks and try to portray Thurmond’s candidacy as anything other than what it was. “The reason that you have been elected is because you have been a segregationist, pitted against…

  • Quality Tour Help: Yesterday

    Quality Tour Help: Yesterday someone posted an article on a mail list they had created for Sloggers and I wanted to check it out. Please notify me if you know where this is.  “The way it should work,” Schlagowsky told me,

  • I often dream of air raids

    Robyn Hitchcock daydreams as this week’s celebrity guest diary at Slate. Link courtesy of She’s Actual Side, Nationwide, Believe. Given that she has now outed herself as a Robyn fan, and her blog name gives away her TMBG allegiance, I am going to go out on a limb and guess that she is also a…

  • Facilitating the community

    Different Strings is kick-starting some Salon-blogger networking tools, a mailing list and a webring: Salon Bloggers at Yahoo!Groups I thought it might be fun to have a mailing list for the authors/editors/owners (whatever it is we call ourselves *g*) of Salon Blogs, so I set one up.  If you’d like to join, you can use…

  • Meta enough for you?

    Lately, the Reverse Cowgirl has been blogging about the process of making a rough TV pilot for the prospective cable show inspired by her blog. The very fact of metablogging a blog tv show about your blog on your blog by itself was enough to make my head spin, but the fact that in so…

  • Redesigning salonika

    I’m doing some maintenance around “this old blog,” tweaking the main design and planning a new version of my Salon blogs category, salonika. The problem with the current approach is that Radio’s news aggregator encodes certain special characters that Radio’s DHTML whizzy interface inserts into blog entries, and then recodes them or unencodes them differently…

  • Getcher quality tour

    Mark Hoback doesn’t want to monopolize this salonika Salon Blogs collaborative category, but not to worry, a few more people have notified me of their feeds and I’ll be adding them. Also, I expect to reorganize this page soon so that it links back more directly to other Salon blogs and provides a way that…

  • Andrew Bayer: One of these

    Andrew Bayer: One of these days, I’ll actually write something worth putting in Virtual Occoquan. ’til then, I’ll just read it. You should to – good, good stuff, and continuing proof that we’ve really created something interesting here at Salon blogs…Oh, and further evidence that Mark Hoback is a persistent bugger.

  • Eyewitness News

    If you’re not reading The Devil’s Excrement and are getting your news about the civil unrest in Venezuala from the mass media, then you are getting a distorted reading of the situation and missing out on one of the real benefits of on-the-spot blogger reportage.

  • Your Salon Blog Tour

    Your Salon Blog Tour of Quality   Gentleman George Mahood. Gentleman George Mahood. I can

  • Your Salon Blog Tour

    Your Salon Blog Tour of Quality    Yo, I

  • Andrew Bayer is dreaming of quality Salon blogs

    Welcome to today’s Salon blog tour of quality. Or somesuch – I’m just covering for Mark, anyway. He’s back tomorrow, so all will be right soon. I promise. I know this is a bit early, but hey – I’m an East Coaster and a morning person. Deal with it. =) Pardon me if I’m a…

  • Are the sweepstakes closed?

    The Reverse Cowgirl was looking for a name for her blog’s upcoming TV show. She may have settled on Oh, Susannah! If the contest is still open, I have a new idea. How about Frighten the Horses? (Anyway, I like it better than my first suggestion, Ye Olde Pervert’s Almanack.) For what it’s worth, and…

  • Raven's tour of quality blogsaloning

    Welcome to the December 2 edition of the Quality Blog Tour of Salon, or the Blog of Salon Quality Tour, or whatever. I’m confused after reading all the blogs around here and the Raven is prepared to spread the uneasiness around. For some reason, forty writers decided to pen thoughtful selections for your consideration today,…

  • Rayne Today's Salon blog tour of quality

      Welcome to Your Salon Blog Tour of Quality!   Glad to have you visit one of this week