Category: The Power of Many
Meg Whitman is a biter
Tipped off by my old buddy and collaborator Levi Asher, I learned that Meg Whitman and her as-told-to coauthor do in fact favor recycling, at least when it comes to book titles: Since I own the domain called, I’m thinking about redirecting it somewhere interesting at least through election day. Any suggestions? via (Twitter…
Open Hackday 08 begins
hackday stage Originally uploaded by xian. I’m going to name the robots Foo and Bar. We still haven’t announced the musical act that will be performing on this stage tonight. So far I’ve heard Cody Simms and Neal Sample (Cody and Neal, hmmm….) give a great overview of YOS (with great visuals by Micah Laaker),…
Community site responds to homicide epidemic in Oakland
I just heard today about Not Just A Number, a community journalism project coproduced by the Oakland Tribune and It endeavors to tell the real human stories of Oakland homicide victims, rather than letting them become merely statistics. The site speaks for itself, and I feel like I might be cheapening it by talking…
Set the terms of the debate
TechPresident, a project of Personal Democracy Forum (which I used to write for), in cooperation with the New York Times and MSNBC, has launched a site called 10 Questions where anyone can suggest a question for the presidential candidates and anyone can vote the suggested questions up or down. It’s a kind of more open…
Oakland for Obama?
Just got a call from an organizer named Barbara with the local Barack Obama for President campaign, telling me they are opening a new Northern California campaign office in downtown Oakland….
Sisters are doing it for themselves
At BarCamp Block I first heard about plans for She’s Geeky, a tech (un)conference for women by women. Immediately, I was intrigued. It sounds like a great idea, I love the title, and the organizers are some of the coolest folk I’ve met on the geek circuit. One of the prime movers is Kaliya Identity…
Shining a spotlight on money in politics
I’ve written about MAPlight before but from time to time I feel the need to post an update about the amazing work it’s doing. (Disclosure: I am an advisor to this nonprofit, although my direct involvement is limited.) Since the last time I mentioned MAPlight it’s gone from just documenting donations to California politicians to…