Category: The Power of Many

  • Yet another must-read blog: Operating Manual for Social Tools

    Looks like Corante’s got another blog (Operating Manual for Social Tools) that I should be following here at POM. Where does David Weinberger find the time to contribute to so many weblogs? Also, I’m a little unclear of the overlap between this and other Corante blogs, such as Many-to-Many (to which danah and David contribute)…

  • Today Lott… tomorrow DeLay!

    A squad of TPM readers are outing congressfolks in the Republican caucus on how they voted on the DeLay Rule: Quoting from Ch-ch-ch-changes Rare is the PDF reader who doesn’t also read Josh Marshall’s TalkingPointsMemo but what’s going on there today is so interesting that I think it’s worth everyone paying close attention. Marhall has…

  • Blogs nudge Kerry team toward rigorous Ohio recount

    As I just posted over at Personal Democracy Forum (Trippi says blogs driving Kerry camp’s interest in recount): On MSNBC’s Countdown, Keith Olbermann has been one of the few television newshosts tracking down the issues related to counting and recounting votes and addressing potential voting irregularities (such as voter fraud and suppression), particularly in the…

  • Pitching to the blogosphere's long tail

    By far, Steve Rubel’s MicroPersuasion blog has been my favorite lately, especially for news and ideas related to blogging itself. Perhaps this site should have a featured recommended blog that can rotate whenever I get addicted to a new one? I already push headlines from a lot of weblogs relevant to the book on the…

  • Tagging bookmarks nonhierarchically


  • The Nation notices the rise of open-source politics

    In The Rise of Open-Source Politics, Micah L. Sifry discusses the influence of the new grassroots technologists on the past year’s campaign: Josh Koenig, one of the twenty-somethings who cut their teeth at the Dean campaign and a co-founder of Music for America, says, “We’re only seeing the first drips of what is going to…