Category: The Power of Many

  • Academic book: 'Democracy Online'

    Routledge has published an academic tome called Democracy Online: The Prospects for Political Renewal Through the Internet: Taking a multidisciplinary approach that they identify as a “cyber-realist research agenda,” the contributors examine the prospects for electronic democracy in terms of its form and practice – while avoiding the pitfall of treating the benefits of electronic…

  • Multiply (YASNS)

    JonL just invited me to join Multiply, which seems to involve social networking, photo sharing, blogging (journaling), a calendar, a place for reviews and recipes,a nd something called Market (I’ve only started poking around). Here’s my barebones page there: (xian was taken!). Looks like an ambitious play, leapfrogging Flickr (although I have no idea…

  • Credentials, schmedentials

    Uncredentialed bloggers at the RNC now have a headquarters to work from (MyDD :: NYC GOP street bloggers): the venue is called the tank, and it’s located at the Douglas Fairbanks Theater, about a 15-minute walk NW of Madison Square Garden. the proprietors of the tank have generously offered to open their internet connection and…

  • The failure of the mass media

    Zogby Sound Bites! reprints a commentary by alan Bisbort of The Valley Advocate noting that al Jazeera and the bloggers did a better job of covering the convention than the major networks did. An excerpt: Before examining this any further, let’s take time out for a word from our sponsors: the Bloggers of America, the…

  • What about moderate drinkers?

    Party for America isn’t the only organization out there trying to use social bonding as a building block for political engagement and activism. There’s also Drinking Liberally, which is geared towards younger adults. Their slogan is “I only drink with liberals.” Maybe someone needs to start an analogous 12-step program?

  • Democrats still taking black voters for granted?

    Erin Aubry Kaplan takes a look at the DNC and notices the prominent role played by African-Americans there as well as the reluctance to address some long-simmering issues with the party in that community (in LA Weekly: News: Bringin’ Da Funk): The biggest elephant under the Boston big top, almost bigger than the economy and…