Category: The Power of Many
sxsw: leveraging solipsism (Liz Lawley)
Quoting from sxsw: leveraging solipsism (Liz Lawley, who once again took much better notes than I did) Unfortunately, two of the original three speakers for this panel—Stewart Butterfield and Peter Merholz —couldn’t make it today. Jeff Veen is moderating, and Tantek Çelik, Don Turnbull, and Thomas VanDerWal are the participants. Jeff Veen starts by framing…
Don't hate the player
No really, where are the women?
Quoting from So Many Great Women at SXSW From left to right: Me (Caterina Fake), Emily Davidow, Emily Gertz, Adina Levin, Mary Hodder. I’m here in Austin at SXSW Interactive, as is founder Liz Lawley (who is sitting right in front of me). There are a lot of great women both in attendance and…
sxsw: eric meyer on emergent semantics (Liz Lawley)
Quoting from sxsw: eric meyer on emergent semantics (Liz Lawley), I noticed that her notes on Eric Meyer’s session bear directly on the tagging discussion we’re having in the solipsism panel now: He talks about microformats for solving specific problems, generally expressing a human-understandable semantic definition using xhtml markup (e.g. rel=nofollow). Then he uses the…
Sunday SXSW Schedule
10:00 Emergent Semantics because Eric Meyer rocks or 10:00 Blogging Showdown even though metablogging is so 2003 11:30 How to Create a Compelling Community Website because in more than 10 years I still haven’t figured this out or 11:30 How to Leverage Solipsism because Peter Merholz is funny and Stewart Butterfield is an inspiration… [update]…
And another thing
Jason is the head of the company and he handles the tech support for their products (Leave it Behind > Brian Bailey) Hmm, very similar to Craig’s commitment to customer support. Oh, and other ways to follow SXSW on the web include the delicious tag, the Technorati tag, and the flickr tag.
SxSW: How to make big things happen with small teams
Quoting from terry storch @ fellowship church – SxSW: How to make big things happen with small teams… because he took great notes. By the way, found this post via the PubSub feed for SXSW that Scoble set up. Weblog: terry storch @ fellowship church Source: SxSW: How to make big things happen with small…
On my radar today
George is listing his planned schedule – good idea! Here’s mine: 2:00 Zeldman’s opening remarks (George already made all the good Jay-Z puns) 3:30 How to get the most out of SXSW (for I am a newbie after all) or 3:30 How to Hot-Wire the Creative Process (because I could always use a kick upside…
A quicky (I’m at SXSW and am scanning my aggregator in the lull before the storm: Quoting from Peopleweb: Mark Pincus has a vision Peopleweb: Tribester Mark Pincus has a vision. It’s kinda open source ad tags, only for people.Mark writes:“as more people take on ‘open’ identities online, that can be crawled, found and linked…
CivicSpace site gets a facelift
A quicky before heading to the airport this a.m. Check out the new version of the CivicSpace site: Free, open source tools for building thriving online communities | CivicSpace
Good advice for SxSWi newbies
Note to self: Don’t end up in one of David’s photos of oblivious digital hipsters. Quoting from The unofficial geek guide to getting over yourself at SxSW Interactive 2005 | Ditto for parking yourself in the hallway with the laptop. I always found that very sad. I think I may take a picture this…
Republicans beat Democrats at marrying online community to offline actions in 2004
Quoting from The Internet Gap – by Micah L. Sifry (from Personal Democracy Forum) Kerry voters were two-and-a-half times as likely to participate in online discussions or chat groups about the election than Bush voters, almost twice as likely to register their opinions in online surveys, and four-and-a-half times as likely to contribute money online…
RSS feeds as queriable neural networks
Jon Udell’s got another wonderful “screencast” up: The on-demand blogosphere. I’ve been a fan of Jon’s since he was narrating his content-management system learnings for Byte Magazine. These days he’s pioneering a bleeding edge that the rest of us will get to only when it doesn’t require customizing one’s own interface to the degree he’s…
Who's entitled to the legal protections accorded journalists?
In Define “Journalist”, Scot Hacker says: At the J-School, we’ve been exploring the question of whether bloggers are journalists for a couple of years, in both classroom experiments and in conferences that have drawn fascinated/scared journalists and the blogging elite from around the world. The question can often be boiled down like this: Journalists may…
Book signing and two panels at SXSW
I’m headed off to Austin next week to attend South by Southwest Interactive for my first time, something I’ve been meaning to do now for a number of years. On Sunday, March 13, from 3:30 to 4:30 pm I’m on a panel called Open Source Marketing: The New Unwieldy / Unlimited Product Publicity. On Tuesday,…
Is there an agent role in the disintermediated future of publishing?
In his Fresh Books Blog (Do you need an agent in the tech book market?), literary agent Matt Wagner points to a discussion about agents, how they earn their 15% and how useful they are in today’s business climate, taking place on the weblog of Joe Wikert, an editor at Wiley (Agents: Do You Need…
Wiki conference announced
Seb Paquet points us to this International Symposium on Wikis, currently in the midst of a call for papers and presentations. Should be interesting. Perhaps I can come up with something to submit.
Distributed civil disobedience
Quoting from The great FEC scare. This interview with FEC Commissioner Bradley Smith, warning that political bloggers may soon be subject to draconian regulation as a consequence of McCain-Feingold, has been linked to from all over the blogosphere. I’m frankly not sure how seriously to take it, because in all honesty I don’t entirely trust…
Blogging to be viewed by the FEC as an in-kind political donation?
Quoting from FEC May Regulate Blogging – by Michael Bassik at the Personal Democracy Forum blog: Bloggers and online-only journalists might have to report their hyperlinks, articles, and postings as in-kind political contributions. This according to a CNET interview with Bradley Smith, one of the six FEC commissioners. Talk of a potential rule change follows…
Wists visual bookmark friends network
I’m making my plans for SXSW and getting tips from experienced attendees like George aand Austin residents like Sarah about what to do. Sarah reminded me of the 20×2 event (20 speakers, one question, two minutes each). Looking over the participant list I recognized a few names right off the bat (Dave Shea, David Galbraith,…
Person-to-person networking as a social panacea
Quoting from Could Social Networking Save the World? Rob Paterson has penned a long and extraordinary article suggesting that social networking tools, building on a foundation of finding and connecting and relating tools including weblogs, could be used to cut out the corporate and government middlemen everywhere, usurp the existing economy and power authority, and…