Category: User Experience

  • Technical difficulties

    Technical difficulties

    If I seem at all distracted it may be that my new boss’s old boss who is also possibly the actual boss of the country’s new boss is currently attacking the team I work for, and doxxing my colleagues. 18F’s account on Twitter was apparently deleted (actually a good thing, if you ask me) but,…

  • So… this happened

    So… this happened

    Like an aging AAA slugger called up to the majors, like a prep-school outsider starting college, like a choreographer with bad knees getting access to the biggest stage, I find myself leading the product management chapter at 18F as it celebrates its tenth anniversary. 18F is a consulting entity in TTS (Technology Transformation Services) in…

  • Super friends

    Super friends

    Between recording sessions and working for the state, I’ve been planning a redux of the one-day remote Design in Product conference and just posted a video over on Linky-Din promoting it.

  • In the public sector, what’s the product?

    In the public sector, what’s the product?

    UX Lisbon has now put up online their video of my closing talk from last year’s conference. I listened to it again this morning and I think it holds up and still captures how I feel about the work I am doing. I will be giving an updated and vastly briefer version of this talk…

  • The 12 Pods of 2022

    The 12 Pods of 2022

    Twelve podcasts of 2022

  • This thing on?

    This thing on?

    If I did this right, then my blog is now on the Fediverse at — do the double at signs bother any else? @@

  • The right question to ask when solving a problem: Why? (not Who?)

    a wise friend of mine once told me when there is a problem you can ask WHO or WHY? WHO is about blame. “Who messed up? Who is at fault? Who should we fire?” but WHY is about learning “Why did this happen? Why didn’t we notice? Why don’t we check for that?” … WHY…

  • Let there be music

    I’m embedding this Joe Russo’s Almost Dead show (which comes very highly recommended from musicologist Jake Cohen) into my blog here to illustrate how “badging out” works as an open strategy for distributing content socially:

  • Social Patterns II: The Social Interfacening…

    Social Patterns II: The Social Interfacening…

    It’s starting to feel like time to update ye old Designing Social Interfaces, so Erin Malone and I are talking to the kind editors at O’Reilly about doing a second edition. Because user experience, we are doing some research, including a survey. If you work with social interfaces, apps, websites, or experiences, please consider taking…

  • Where I’m writing from

    When Apple brought the touch screen and the tablet together they kicked off a new revolution, one that moves us all one step closer to direct manipulation of the digital world at our hands. As a writer, I suppose I have naturally gravitated toward the realm of writing and editing, where we’re still following “word…

  • Now it can be told

    The walrus was nick…

  • It’s the users who are mobile

    It’s the users who are mobile

    Still playing catch-up. I wrote this guest blog post for the Hightail blog about eleven months ago, before some of my pals, um… hightailed it to greener pastures. It’s the clearest statement I’ve made yet about both the “tablet first” and “holistic ubiquitous user experience” approach we’ve been taking at CloudOn, so I am going…

  • Mentoring for America

    Mentoring for America

    Nearly a year ago, on my birthday, my contribution to the “why I…” series at the Code for America went live. I’m reprinting it here to keep a copy in my own storehouse, and because I am mentoring for the accelerator again this year: I’m mentoring for America because I believe that a small-team startup-style…

  • write prompt

    my old enterzone pal Martha Conway has been tweeting things lately with hashtags like #writeprompt and #10minprompt and #amwriting. i love this! i want to play, so i just tweeted “The one thing I do know is…”

  • Tablet First: Designing holistic ubiquitous experiences

    Mobility today means more than handsets in pockets. We are entering a world of ubiquitous network access to always-on cross-channel digital services, bringing multiple new dimensions of complexity to the job of user experience strategy and product design.

  • Ride the hype cycle, baby!

    riding the Gartner hype cycle

  • When did web designers start calling themselves product designers?

    Read Quote of Christian Crumlish’s answer to When did web designers start calling themselves product designers? on Quora see also Since when did all web designers start calling themselves UX designers

  • Sketchnotes 2011

    Sketchnotes 2011

    Recently, my colleague Jerome Domurat showed me this bound collection of Eva-Lotta Lamm’s sketchnotes and I was pleased to be reminded of the beautiful one-pager she did of my “Playful Design” talk from UX Lisbon: Christian Crumlish: Playful Design at UXLX, a photo by evalottchen on Flickr.

  • Tune In, Cloud On, Rock Out!

    Tune In, Cloud On, Rock Out!

    One thing about working real hard is that a lot of things I’d love to post about never seem to make it to the top of the queue, and then the blog turns into “here are my slides, here is a video of my talk, here is a weird song by the band, here is…

  • Broken Experiences panel at the IA Summit 2012

  • Video of ‘Playful Design’ from UX Lisbon

    Video of my talk in Lisbon this past spring.