Category: Best Practices
I must be losing it
After a long pleasant period of using my Mac for pretty much all my work and play tasks, I’ve been involved in an IA project recently that required me to work in the Microsphere, in Windows 2000, with Office/Win software, using Visio to make diagrams instead of OmniGraffle or Illustrator. It hasn’t been that bad,…
Automatic content inventories
Right now I’m working on two paying projects (amidst my more speculative and creative and fun stuffs), a book about the upcoming version of FrontPage, which I’m coauthoring, and an information architecture job, part of a requirements-gathering process for a corporate portal for a Fortune 500 client. OK, I’m also supposedly writing a white paper…
The RSS evangelist
Chris Pirillo’s preaching the Word about RSS. Can he get an amen, somebody? [Note: This post is destined for RFB, but I don’t remember how I set up the email-to-blog system and I’m away from the desktop client where I have Radio set up and it’s behind a firewall on a dynamic IP anyway, so…
We're addressing the wrong level
All praises to the LazyWeb, David Galbraith has made a point I’ve been pussyfooting around for ages: on the web, the permalink’s the thing (not the page). Pages are just framing devices for any number of items, each of which must be addressable individually. Not just addressable, but also indexable and hence searchable. That’s why…
A simple CMS
What the world needs now… is a simple, open-source, free content management system: CMSimple is a simple content management system for smart maintainance of small commercial or private sites. It is simple – small – smart! And it’s free! It is not only Open Source – it is Free Software licensed under the GNU General…
Posting from OAK
Well, I found a power outlet so I can work while waiting for my flight (first to Dallas, then to New Orleans), and I noticed a wireless signal. Turns out it’s a fee service called, so I paid the $6.95 for access till midnight, though I can only use it for a little over…