Category: Business
Ride the hype cycle, baby!
riding the Gartner hype cycle
AOL?!? Really?
Some thoughts on my first few days on my new job as a consumer experience evangelist at AOL, and what I hope to help the team here accomplish.
Corporate blogging ROI
Scott Weisbrod posted this link to Forrester’s Charlene Li’s Calculating the ROI of blogs – it’s not about the math to the IA Institute’s mailing list a while back, singling out this quotation: …because a blog’s ROI is built around building a closer relationship with your blog’s readers, be it your most ardent customers or…
Blogging’s impact on PR (and vice versa)
The other day I ducked down to my room on the 8th floor of the Hyatt Regency Vancouver to get some money to buy drink tickets at the welcoming cocktail party at the IA Summit. Ran into David Weinberger, who’s been refining the plenary keynote he’ll be giving to kick off the official proceedings tomorrow.…
Corporate blogging? Not so fast
David Kine asks What’s Holding Back Corporate Blogging? and finds the usual answers: fear, an unwillingness to relinquish control, and so on. That makes sense to me. Some corporations are clearly not cut out to blog in the usual sense. (It remains to be seen whether they should have internal project logs or knowledge logs,…
Geodog notes the inverse relationship between blogging and work
Quoting from Geodog: Work is the curse of the blogging class: I suspect that historians looking back at the rise of blogging will see the tech depression of 2001-2004 as a critical factor in getting blogging started. The stage was set by the 1996-2001 internet boom where content had been hailed as king, and by…
Macromedia blogger survey
It looks like Macromedia is exploring or considering the idea of providing some sort of blogging products or services or features. If you want to help them gauge the needs of bloggers, take their Blog Authoring Survey. (via deeje cooley)
Get paid in iTunes to create blog buzz
My sysadmin just pointed me to this listing at craigslist in New York: Bloggers needed – $300 per month. They pay with PayPal too. Sounds like a blend of the Marquis experiment and the Bzz Agent concept. Wonder who the payer is?
There must be five ways to quit your day job
Five tips on How to make money from your blog: Sell advertising Help sell others’ products Solicit contributions Market your services Deepen your existing customer relationships I’s mostly a Tip 4 kind of guy with a bit of Tip 5 mixed in. Unless you count the incredibly lucrative Google ads, that is. Croesus ain’t in…
Clickable Culture reads the fine print
Tony Walsh at Clickable Culture looks closely at the terms of service for the bloggers being paid to blog about / endorse Marqui’s product ( – Deconstructing Marqui’s Adverblogging Antics) and doesn’t like what he sees: Today I discovered that the situation is actually worse than I originally thought.
Does blogging need an ethics committee?
Quoting from Blog Ethics Committee, Blog Publishers Association, and the evil Word of Mouth Marketing folks – The Jason Calacanis Weblog – :  Nick Denton put up a pleasantly surprising post today, complimenting me for being a “volunteer watchdog” for blog ethics. He proposes Jeff Jarvis and I start a blog ethics committee…
Cadenhead revamps Buzzword hosting
In Weblog Hosting Priced to Move, Rogers Cadenhead explains that hosting the refugees has turned out not to be as cost-intensive as he anticipated and that with some sponsored links he will be able to continue to host all active migrated blogs at for free.
The biter bit
Warner Bros. dabbles in the MP3-blogging space as a p.r. strategy (paging Steve Rubel) and gets a bit burned by the experience, according to this New York Times article: Warner’s Tryst With Bloggers Hits Sour Note. I’ll have to check out J.D.’s coverage of this story. (nonrotting link courtesy of the userland-partnership feature, generated automatically…
Movable Type's professional logging play
Farhad Manjoo chronicles Movable Type’s rise from a opular nearly free weblogging tool to a product positioning itself for the corporate market ( Technology | Blogging grows up).
11th annual Waterside Conference
As some of my readers know, my literary agency, Waterside, hosts a publishing and technology conference every spring. For years we did it in San Diego near the Waterside mothership but last year we did it in Berkeley and had such a good time we’re having it there again. This year’s conference (Waterside: Conference 11.0)…
Weblog strategies for enterprise knowledge management
At urgreyhot, jibbajabba posts links to several versions of a slideshow for the Computers in Libraries conference on the topic urlgreyhot : Supporting enterprise knowledge management with weblogs: A weblog services roadmap.
Woe at Macromedia
Scott Kessler writes in Business Week that Macromedia has suffered from its acquisition of Allaire and continues to see soft demand for its products: Macromedia’s wager was poorly timed. Some 17 months after the company bought Allaire, demand for its products is still weak and there’s no recovery in sight. In effect, the company doubled…
E-commerce (with PayPal and Dreamweaver) on a Budget
Chapter 21 of Dreamweaver Savvy described how to build an e-commerce site. Here’s some useful advice from Macromedia for adding PayPal services to such as site: The PayPal eCommerce Toolkit extension for Dreamweaver MX allows web designers and developers to quickly and easily add e-commerce functionality to a website. [Macromedia Designer & Developer Center]
Dreamweaver Installed Base vs. User Base
Scot Hacker jots in his personal blog about going to a Macromedia demo in S.F. and still preferring his native coding environments to Dreamweaver MX. He wonders if the large numbers of developers installing Dreamweaver are actually using it day-to-day. Read his post and some followup comments to find out more.