Category: Events
My slides from the IA Summit
Here are my slides from my presentation, Mobile Information Architecture: Designing Experiences for the Mobile Web: (I may update them with a 2.0 version based on some new learnings from subsequent conversations, and a different idea of how to pace the imagery.) And here are my slides from the panel I moderated, Lessons From Failure:…
See me speak at South by Southwest
In March I’ll be moderating a panel at South by Southwest Interactive in Austin, Texas, called “Every Breath You Take: Identity, Attention, Presence, and Reputation Online.” Confirmed panelists include George Kelly, Kaliya Hamlin, Ted Nadeau, and Mary Hodder. I’m anticipating a lively dialogue tackling how we project and define our identities online, what it means…
Pictures from the Extractable holiday party
One advantage оf seasonal decorating is thаt іt іѕ, by dеfіnіtіоn, tеmроrаrу. Thіѕ gіvеѕ you рlеntу оf freedom tо еxреrіmеnt wіth nеw ideas аnd соmрlеtеlу transform your lіvіng ѕрасе оn a ѕhоrt-tеrm bаѕіѕ. It’ѕ аlѕо an орроrtunіtу to get сrеаtіvе with your hоmе’ѕ dесоr tо create wаrm, inviting рlасеѕ fоr family and friends tо gаthеr.…
Berkeley J-School new media lecture series
I might wan to attend some of this year’s UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism Winter New Media Lecture Series: Sunday, December 10, 2006 – Wednesday, December 13, 2006 North Gate Hall Library, Hearst at Euclid Avenue, Berkeley Featured speakers are Howard Rheingold, “Smart Mobs” author; Travis Fox, Washington Post; Robert Hood,; Al Bonner,…
Audio from the IDEA conference
I meant to post this a week or so ago, but Peter Merholz has put up the audio from presentations at this year’s inaugural IDEA conference in Seattle on the conference blog, saying If you have only 30 minutes, then listen to Bruce Sterling’s closing keynote. Honestly, though, there’s lots of great stuff here. Interaction…
South by Southwest panel approved
One of the two panels I proposed for SXSW next spring garnered sufficient votes to make the cut. It’s the one on identity, presence, attention, trust, privacy and so on, called “Every Breath You Take.” I’m excited about moderating this panel and I’m in the process of pulling together the other panelists, which I’ll announce…
The return of the son of Friday UX Links
We’re back… now, with less context! Better life through design Michal Migurski reviews Amazon’s EC2 6 Ways to fix a confused information architecture ( Push my button (beyond generic Submit buttons) Coding interviews with OneNote (I admit I’ve never cracked open OneNote) A discussion with danah boyd get caught up on what the wonder woman…
Round two of the 2007 SXSW Interactive panel selection process starts today
The first round of panels proposed for SXSW Interactive 2007 were those proposed by past speakers (I had two proposals in that round). Voting for the first round is now closed. 2007 SXSW Interactive Panel Proposal Picker (Round Two) starts today, featuring panel proposals that were submitted in the last few months. Go check out…
IDEA Conference launches a blog
I don’t know if I can make it to the IDEA conference, but if not, I look forward to reading about it on the IDEA Conference Blog. (Self-plug: I hacked the site’s design into WordPress templates to get the blog working for Peterme.)
2007 SXSW Interactive Panel Proposal Picker (Round One)
Hugh Forrest, the indomitable lead organizer of South by Southwest Interactive has announced a public process for voting on and vetting panel ideas for next year’s conference. Apparently it will take several rounds, with the first round narrowing down the 173 panel proposals. The voting is open to anyone, but the votes of past attendees…
Update on Oz-IA conference and retreat
Eric Scheid tells me, We’ve now announced the conference program, and it’s quite exciting – lots of practical sessions, by practitioners, for practitioners. Over the next few weeks we’ll be expanding the detail on each session. Over the next few weeks we’ll be expanding the detail on each session. Stay tuned for more news, sign…
Free content management webinar
Scott Abel, Content Management Strategist at The Content Wrangler, Inc. alerted the community to a free webinar on Cutting Edge Web Content Management, July 26, 2006 at 2PM EST, to be presented by Ann Rockley, The Rockley Group: Developing and delivering dynamic, personalized content via the Web for superior customer service. Mountains of content. Multiple…
Friday UX links
Here we go again. Big list this week. Many stolen from the usual suspects: Label placement in forms Traffic log patterns (I always feel like there’s a lot of great untapped data in traffic logs) Metrics, registered users and social ecosystems (bigger is not always better) Everyday IA Flick group (via bloug) Does the US…
Oz-IA 2006 – September 30th and October 1st
Eric Scheid, from the IA Institute, announces Oz-IA 2006, a first-ever Australian IA conference, to be held in Sydney: As well as conveniently following on from this year’s Web Directions conference), this event is scheduled for the same weekend as the EURO IA conference. Keith Instone has already suggested a live link between the two…