Category: Information Architecture

  • Survey results for the third edition of the Polar Bear book

    Rosenfeld and Morville have posted the results of their first two surveys toward a new edition of their seminal Polar Bear Book. (My responses to the first survey were noted in this entry here at Extra! Extra!)

  • IA and UI as building blocks of SEO

    In SEO, Information Architecture and Interface Design, Shari Thurow writes: The most important building block of SEO is the information architecture. If you want your HTML/XHTML, audio, video, and image files to generate qualified search engine traffic, the key ingredient to making these files appear relevant are the information architecture and the interface that communicates…

  • First page of search results, please

    Todd just sent around this BBC News article discussing a US study that found thatsearch users stop at page three and that, in fact, “Most people using a search engine expect to find what they are looking for on the first page of results.” This jibes with my own personal experience. I rarely even go…

  • A design pattern for info inboxes

    Dan Brown is a brilliant information architect and content management strategist with a forthcoming book called Communicating Design, about producing IA deliverables for websites. On his blog, Green Onions, he posted a few months ago about an emerging design pattern he’s identified related to managing incoming information. He describes the object model thusly: The People…

  • Let's say there are four modes of seeking information

    If we accept that it’s true that these are the “four modes of seeking information”: Known-item Exploratory Don

  • New edition of IA bible in the works

    Lou Rosenfeld and Peter Morville are working on a third edition of the “Polar Bear” book, aka Information Architecture for the World Wide Web (O’Reilly), and in preparation for this they have posted a brief survey. I filled it out: Question 1: What’s obviously new in IA? Over the past five years, what major trend(s)…