Category: User Experience
Groundswell author on blogging a book
Back when I wrote The Power of Many I blogged about blogging a book in progress and since then I’ve noticed a number of other authors blogging about the same subject. (Contrast this with William Gibson’s decision to stop his blogging when he started his next book.) Now it looks like Forrester analyst Charlene Li…
Lessons from failure at Boxes & Arrows
I am curating a series of articles at the venerable information architecture (and user experience) web magazine Boxes and Arrows, based on the panel I moderated on the same topic at this year’s IA Summit. The first article in the series is Joe Lamantia’s It Seemed Like the Thing to Do at the Time: The…
Twitterific weirdness
Most of the time when I post a tweet using Twitterific (which I mostly love), I get this strange window popping up: Why does Twitterific want to talk to Skype anyway? Bueller?
I'm impressed by's customer service
I’ve been using pobox as a mail forwarding service since 1995 (I think I read about it in Wired and I was sold on the idea of a middle layer between my correspondents and my potentially ever changing email addresses). When I started owning my own domains I simply forwarded custom (“vanity”) email addresses from…
My slides from the IA Summit
Here are my slides from my presentation, Mobile Information Architecture: Designing Experiences for the Mobile Web: (I may update them with a 2.0 version based on some new learnings from subsequent conversations, and a different idea of how to pace the imagery.) And here are my slides from the panel I moderated, Lessons From Failure:…
My slides from SxSW
These slides are only minutely useful as they are nearly all images without any notes or bullet points. When the podcast comes out I will work on synchronizing my remarks with the slides. I’ll be posting Ted Nadeau’s slides next. His were much more content rich. **Update:** Here are Ted’s slides:
Yet another friend metaphor (for twitter)
So I just wasted, er, spent a half hour surfing twitter pages and poaching friends of friends. I noticed that I had a strong gut sense of who I felt it was ok to befriend, most of the time, but that it doesn’t necessarily map to people who are actually my friends or whom I’ve…
Raw notes from 'Everything you wanted to know about the mobile web…' @ sxsw
…but were afraid to ask: Great talk! Very thorough. Making me, helping rethink my upcoming Mobile IA presentation at the IA Summit. Here are my raw notes. Apologies for the stream of consciousness nature. You may be better off with Brian Fling’s slides. Who is Brian Fling? dir of strategy for blue flavor mobile designer…
MyBlogLog is looking for a community manager
If you’re an experienced blogger in the Bay Area and would like to work for a cool startup recently acquired by Yahoo!, in Berkeley, then you may want to apply for this new community manager role: The MyBlogLog Blog: Seeking: MyBlogLog uber-user for long-term relationship They seem to grok the Craig Newmark idea that customer…