Tag: memes
Certification of live birth
Turns out I was born in Kenya too!
The twelve-month review
Levi Asher tagged me with a meme, according to which I am to list the first sentence of the first post of each month for the past year. I’m game: * January: “The talented Lisa Williams has launched Placeblogger” (Local blogging gets a site) * February: “Grab your preferred username at Useless Account before someone…
Calendar made of people
The big version of the human calendar is amazing! The portable version is kind of cool too. From Craig Griffen, who also brought you the human clock.
In the year 2000
Friends and cow-orkers alike have heard me make the now clichéd quip about being disappointed not to have a jetpack yet, living as we do in the year 2000. Jetpack has in fact become a sort of shorthand for some awesome feature that probably won’t get included in a final design. I still remember some…
35 ways to draw more readers to your blog (a series)
23. Write lots of numbered lists.
Three things about me you may not have known
via B (who did hers in email): >**Three jobs I have held:** vendor at Yankee stadium, freelance legal summarizer, assistant sexton > >**Three Places that I have lived:** Lawrenceville, NJ; Glen Canyon, SF, CA; Washington, DC > >**Three TV shows I like to watch:** Flight of the Conchords, Ugly Betty, The Wire > >**Three places…
Fraidy is a lolcat now
Today ze show, tomorrow ze world!
Unsurprisingly, Ze Frank is going all Hollywood in the near future. Last year at SXSW (at least I think it was last year, and not 2005), I ended up going out to dinner with my Austin guru, some folks from WorldChanging, and I think David Pescovitz or maybe I just chatted with him at some…
Snakes on the m.f. plane
Oh, man. I can’t wait to see Snakes on a Plan, starring Samuel L. Jackson. When Mike Stillman posted
My blogger code (2.0)
Am I a geek? Yes, I am a geek. B9 D+++ T+ K S F I+ O X- E+ L C-\- Y4 R- W P+ M5 N N+ (via [Powazek](http://www.powazek.com/2006/03/000568.html), and wondering why they use N twice.) That is all.
It's not you; it's me
I was catching up with ALLABOUTGEORGE and I was intrigued by his Johari window. (I’m not sure I’m brave enough to try the negative-orientd Nohari window.) It seems like a cool way to find out how you are perceived. If you’re interested in helping me with this, please stop by and pick a few adjectives…
Beck's still got it
Remember Asteroids?
This was once my favorite game: (via TED)
Addictive flickr guessing game
I’ve got a deadline, so I’m going to stop playing this fastr game and get back to work.
Sims + Trekkies + Disco = ?
The meme of fours
OK, so nobody tapped me for this but it looks like fun: Four Jobs You’ve Had 1. Paralegal 2. Architecture studio assistant 3. Vendor at Yankee Stadium 4. Literary agent Four Movies You Could Watch Over and Over 1. The Sting 2. Dr. Zhivago 3. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead 4. Army of Darkness Four…
The inquiring enquirer asks
When, exactly, did ‘nads become nards?