David F. Gallagher's remarks at 'Revenge of the Blog'

Gallagher has posted a version of his remarks from the Blog conference at Yale. He says, “I’m more of a reporter than a pundit” and offers three anecdotes along with some follow up comments.
Don’t miss his photolog (managed with Blogger).
I can’t decide, for myself, whether to manage a separate photoblog, or stick with my current approach, which involves making little galleries and linking thumbnails into my personal blog (X-POLLEN), echoing it here if i think the imagery might have wider appeal (using Radio’s multiauthor blog tool to automatically add the blog’s feed to the x-syndicate category here, along with a number of other channels).
But now that I spell it out, that seems overly complicated, despite the advantage of integrating it with the blog and not compartmentalizing everything.
A compromise approach might be to make a photo category at x-pollen and post selected photos there. The category page would become the new photolog. That might be the ticket. I’ve got some recent photos I’ve been meaning to download off the camera stick anyway.

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One response to “David F. Gallagher's remarks at 'Revenge of the Blog'”

  1. Brooke Avatar

    Hi if this is david gallagher send back okay