Getting Ready for a Partial Move

Andrew Bayer was hassling me about not having set up yet, but hey, my sysadmin is a friend, we barter services, he’s been busy. So I spent a little time reading up on httpd.conf and I set up the VirtualHost entries for that domain and a few other pending domains. I still need to set up mail forwarding and a few other settings, but soon I expect to start publishing at least some of my categories over on the new server.
Since I’m paying (partly) for hosting, I don’t like the idea of abandoning the domain entirely, impersonal as a (binary-looking, in my case; 0001111) usernum might be. I’m thinking maybe once I get started moving categories over (some to other URLs) I will at least keep salonika, my Salon Blogs channel, and radioactive, my Radio Questions and other Radio-specific entries channel here on this community server.
My question is, though, can I move the home page and thus the root address over to and still keep some of my categories streaming here to the community server?

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