Gizmodo: New Blog Experiment

My agent told me yesterday that one of her other clients, Peter Rojas, was involved in a new blog called, a project of Nick Denton‘s.
Because he’s getting paid (or at least partly for that reason) this new blog is the talk of blogdom. Nick has rounded up some of the latest discussion at his own blog:

Take a look, in particular, at the Blogroots discussion. Meg Hourihan, Matt Haughey and Dave Winer, among others, argue whether premeditated blogs are possible.

  • I suspect it will appeal to overgrown girls as well [Meg Hourihan]
  • Will Gizmodo be profitable? [Blogroots discussion]
  • Gizmodo launch [Paul Boutin]
  • Love gadgets. Gotta love the blog. [Jeff Jarvis]
  • Breakeven, which for publishing ain’t bad [Anil Dash]
  • Introducing Gizmodo, the first e-commerce blog [Rick Bruner]
  • It’ll be an interesting experiment []
  • … with a paid blogger! [Cory Doctorow]
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