Mining Udell on Radio and the Two-Way Web

I should have known I’d get sucked in. I remember reading Jon’s columns as he continually documented what he was learning about web servers, content managemenet, database-backed websites, and so on.
From the link mentioned in my previous entry I’ve now read Udell’s review of Radio 8 and a three-part article on the writeable web, the uses of storytelling, and project weblogging.
From the latter article:

Weblogging, or blogging, has emerged as a genuinely new literary/journalistic form. The narrative structure of a weblog is that of a daily diary. The style is one of commentary — that is, a weblog refers to the readable Web, focuses attention on selected items, and tells a story about those items from a particular point of view.”


I’m convinced, more than ever, of the value of weblogging as an important new form of business communication.

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