(via Scot Hacker):
The UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism invites you to a
Sept. 17 panel discussion on:
Challenging Mass Media and Society
Weblogs have received a lot of press lately, and journalism Weblogs are proliferating. Are Weblogs rejuvenating public discussion?. Are they an alternative to mass media?
Join us in a discussion with:
Rebecca Blood
Author of “The Weblog Handbook” and creator of Rebecca’s Pocket, one of the first-wave Weblogs.
Dan Gillmor
San Jose Mercury News Technology Columnist and author of Dan Gillmor?s eJournal Weblog
Meg Hourihan
Co-author of “We Blog: Publishing Online with Weblogs,” co-founder of Blogger.com, and creator of megnut.com, one of the earliest weblogs
J.D. Lasica
Online Journalism Review Senior Editor and author of the New Media Musings Weblog
Scott Rosenberg
Salon Managing Editor and creator of Scott Rosenberg’s Links & Comments Weblog
Tuesday, Sept. 17
6:30 pm
Journalism School Library
North Gate Hall
UC Berkeley
The event is free and open to the public. Please pass this invitation along to anyone else who might be interested in attending.
(Directions to the J-School) Street parking should be available within a few blocks of the school, which is on the northern edge of the campus.
If you have any questions contact Journalism School New Media Program Director Paul Grabowicz at grabs@uclink.berkeley.edu
The UC Berkeley J-School Invites You (Sept 17, 2002)
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