Video of Uke for Geeks talk at Ignite Sydney

A month or so ago I posted my slides and some photos from my Ignite Sydney talk. Today I just noticed that the video was up on YouTube (yays).

Unfortunately, there’s a person’s head obscuring the view of the ukulele for most of my talk, and I kind of start ignoring the slides after a while, but this came out fairly well!

(In the Pecha Kucha version of this talk last week, I think I was able to track a little more closely to the slides, so this is sort of an evolving thing.)

p.s.: for the other great speakers from a very fun, raucous evening in Sydney, check out Ignite Sydney 3 Speakers.

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2 responses to “Video of Uke for Geeks talk at Ignite Sydney”

  1. briggs Avatar

    if only Tiny Tim had known about Little Dippers (he too could have played First There is A Mountain)….great talk, and a completely unique take on learning to play the uke!

  2. […] is based on the Ignite talk I did in Sydney and the Pecha Kucha I did in Tokyo, but this is the expanded 45-minute version of the talk, so I […]