Yahoo! Design Pattern Library relaunches with 10 new social patterns

Over one year in the making…

The work of many hands…

A much overdue look-and-feel refresh, with some much-needed (if subtle) usability improvements…

I am bursting with pride that I’m able to announce today the relaunch of the Yahoo! Design Pattern Library with “ten new patterns, a reorganized category-structure, cleaner URLs for easier bookmarking, and much, much more.”

For more details on the update see Design Patterns, Now More Open and Social, my post today on the Yahoo! Developer Network blog.

I’ll be doing more blogging over there about our library, design patterns, social design, and Yahoo!’s open and social platforms, and I’ll post some deeper dives into some of the new features and polices at the library over the coming weeks.

One key point I don’t want to gloss over:

[W]e are moving to a much more open pattern review and revision process: We’ve added a new rating level for patterns called “Beta,” and we will use it to publish unfinished patterns and request comments on them from the larger community. The accordion pattern will be the first guinea pig for this process, as we already published a survey through the YUI blog to solicit community input.

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7 responses to “Yahoo! Design Pattern Library relaunches with 10 new social patterns”

  1. […] This post was Twitted by pzriddle […]

  2. […] Yahoo! Design Pattern Library relaunches with 10 new social patterns @ Mediajunkie – view page – cached #Mediajunkie RSS Feed Mediajunkie » Yahoo! Design Pattern Library relaunches with 10 new social patterns Comments Feed Mediajunkie unvironmental news The wheel of convos — From the page […]

  3. Pabini Gabriel-Petit Avatar

    Visited the Yahoo! Design Pattern Library today for the first time since it relaunched. What a bummer! The main thing I went to the site for is gone! The animations of the various rich interactions were the most useful thing on the site. They made it easy to show developers an interaction in action—rather than tell them about it. Was this done on purpose, or were they just broken somehow? Are you going to bring them back? Please do!

  4. xian Avatar

    Pabini, I was waiting for someone to notice and complain!

    The animations were a bit of a hack using javascript and animated gifs and they didn’t fit the new form factor of the pattern template and it would have been very difficult to “trim” them to work in that context.

    We do plan to bring them back but with a more “modern” embedded-video style of technology. It’s a very high priority for me. I just wasn’t willing to delay the relaunch any longer for that one feature.

    I do apologize for losing them, as I know it’s really important, especially with the rich patterns, to show and not just tell.

  5. Pabini Gabriel-Petit Avatar

    Hi Xian

    Finally found my way back here. :-) When one publishes a magazine, it’s difficult to keep up with the dialogue going on elsewhere.

    I’m so glad you’ll be restoring the animations in a new and improved form. Wise decision not to let creating them delay your launch, but in the meantime, I do wish Yahoo! had left the animations up on the Web somewhere.

    I was checking out the Yahoo! Design Pattern Library just yesterday, hoping to find some new demos, so I could include a link to them in a column I just wrote for UXmatters:

    Specifying Behavior: With an Example Menu Behavior Specification

    I did include links to YUI 2 and YUI 3, but your pattern library provides a much more pleasant experience.


  6. xian Avatar

    Yes, we can be slow to produce new objects like these animations.

    In the meantime, I will look for a way to link up the old ones so they play in their own window(s). Probably should have done that in the first place.

  7. Pabini Gabriel-Petit Avatar

    Understandable. Sounds like a good interim solution. It would be wonderful to have the old animations back in any context. Thanks!