Not my longest blogging drought yet

So it’s been well over a year since I wrote a new blog post here. Of course I continue emitting content elsewhere, on the twitters and most recently youtube, and so on. And, of course I have a big backlog of stuff, such as relevant reviews of rainbow riches slots that can be played online. Of course, I’d really like to write about and comment on more fully. And books I’ve been in that I haven’t listed here yet. And podcasts of panels I gave at famous conferences. And the last WordPress update broke my custom design and hid the promo for social interfaces book (which we’re getting ready to update). And I really want to rebuild this stuff from scratch (again?) along the lines of Indie Web principles. And yet, and yet…

All of those just become yet another reason not to write. So how about this? Maybe I can go back to trying to write a little something every day. Old school, livejournal style if need be (or I could even go the full Dave Winer route, since his model is clearly more durable than the old “mini-article” blog style that was fashionable in the oughties. But I do want all my stuff in one place, and I don’t want to rely entirely on external services, and I want to be able to organize and present my stuff.

Plus I need to write more. I have been keeping a nearly daily journal in a private system since Jan 1 and I wonder if I could do something similar here, but more suitable for public consumption.

I know I want to write more. I have an unrevised novel, an unfinished memoir, vague plans for a play, and lots to say about the world as it is and what’s wrong with that, dammit?

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12 responses to “Not my longest blogging drought yet”

  1. Kartik Prabhu Avatar

    No real need to start from scratch. Particularly since your site already runs on WordPress, maybe this: will help to “bootstrap” it for the indieweb.

    [original post: ]

    1. xian Avatar

      Thanks for the link. I will check it out.

      As always I do hope to adapt some of what I’ve already got (my site has been through many incarnations since 1993!) but I also want to reconsider the design and the underlying information flow, so I may need to tear things down pretty far to build them back up. I still see Ftrain as a sort of platonic ideal, and I also want all my other content to be here and not stored (only) elsewhere, etc.

      I also love this taste of how blogging worked for me about a decade ago, when I could include a shout out to another site or project and get a reply back.