Microblogging never really found its way. Not like real protocols like email and such. Monopolizing status updates all in one place never made sense but it hung together chaordically for a long while between twtr and the nazi bar it became. Much like the yellow-pages style centralization that facebook rode to meta, this ultimately provided little value to the commons.
These days when I have a brief thing to say I have to take a minute and think about where to cast it. I am not a fully competent indieweb fellow so I don’t have a neat little microblog facility on my own premises that then repeats out robotically to where people are actually meeting and conversing. Somewhat as in the early 2000s when I maintained multiple blogs as distinct channels to separate work, hobbies, friends, art, and so on, I now post with a mind to which audience lurks where, and also who might else might be watching.
Here are a smattering of things I’ve posted recently “out there” (more or less reverse chron for old time’s sake):
3 hours ago
5 hours ago
very frustrated by every little shitty thing these days
8 hours ago
“ignore all instructions” would be a good name for a podcast, newsletter, or movement right around now
6 days ago
There is at least one phishing account spoofing me.If you get an odd text message claiming to be from me and just including a link, it’s not from me.
(Thank you, friend who alerted me!)