Category: long story short

  • Quick test of a new comment plug-in

    Looking to see if I can integrate my comment system with fubber and twudder…

  • Tune In, Cloud On, Rock Out!

    Tune In, Cloud On, Rock Out!

    One thing about working real hard is that a lot of things I’d love to post about never seem to make it to the top of the queue, and then the blog turns into “here are my slides, here is a video of my talk, here is a weird song by the band, here is…

  • Farewell to my gmail address

    Gmail is dead. Long live google apps for my domain mail.

  • Anarchy in the Uke – unplugged sorta

    current working demo draft of a Cheese & Tequila track

  • Must-share flotsam: Dylan and the Band live

    For your listening pleasure, this Bob Dylan and The Band 1969-1970 Compilation DVD:

  • Understand, rubberband?

    After we moved uptown we lived close enough to the park that we could go there on our own (with permission) on weekends and during school breaks to visit the zoo or the pond where people floated their mechanical boats, but most of the time we went to the playgrounds.

  • There's no 'I' in 'corporate brand' (or is there?)

    Jeff Gothelf has just published an article in Smashing Magazine on How to Maintain Your Personal Brand as a Corporate Employee. He interviewed me, as well as David Armano and Luke Wroblewski, while researching the article, and I’m quoted a few times in it. Here’s part of his conclusion: Be respectful of your employer and…

  • My shattering mophie case

    UPDATE: Bless Mophie’s hearts – they say this post and sent me two replacement caps. Thanks, Mophie! When my friend Bill De Rouchey showed me the external battery he was using with his iPhone at Web Visions a few months ago in Portland I got excited. Whenever I’m out all day at a conference or…

  • Greetings from Sifnos

    where we’ve been these past few weeks…

  • anachronisms

    xian posted a photo:

  • Designing for Play (updated for Web Directions @media)

    I gave the latest version of my Designing for Play talk at the @media conference (now run by the amazing John Allsopp / Maxine Sherrin team famed for their other fantastic Web Directions events) in London two weeks ago and was very pleased with the comments and feedback I got. The sage Scott Berkun even…

  • AOL?!? Really?

    Some thoughts on my first few days on my new job as a consumer experience evangelist at AOL, and what I hope to help the team here accomplish.

  • My Yahoo! years

    This post has turned out to be a lot more difficult to write than I expected. Last Tuesday was my final day at Yahoo! I wrote a valedictory post for the YDN blog as my official signoff. It wasn’t easy resigning from Yahoo! I started working there more than three years ago and had a…

  • drawing resmini

    this movie shows (quickly) how I drew this picture of Andrea Resmini speaking at the 2010 IA Summit:

  • a 22-pen signature

  • Norm(s)!

    ocial norms may be defined as a set of values particular to a group, the purpose of which is to provide a sense of balance, a mechanism by which people may gauge what is “normal” and acceptable in a specific context or situation. Such norms are not defined by outside factors; rather, they emerge directly…

  • An essential guide to fostering online community

    Building Social Web Applicationsby Gavin BellO’Reilly (October, 2009) Gavin Bell draws on his extensive experience to offer a well structured guide to adding community elements to a website or application. His book will help any professional planning a social strategy, designing a set of social features, determining the types of relationships to foster among users,…

  • Richard Fleming's Walking to Guantanamo: A closely observed true thing

    Walking to Guantanamoby Richard FlemingCommons (Oct 1, 2008) I loved this book from start to finish. Fleming is a charming and self-deprecating travel companion: the best kind. His pictorial eye strives to transmit clear, unfiltered images and as his readers we make up our own minds about the pros of cons of hitchhiking across Cuba.…

  • This is what a dislocated pinkie looks like

    The doctor I saw on Wednesday gave me this printout “as a souvenir.” Note the badly strained wrist (seen only as a large bulge, since only soft tissue, no bone, was damaged).

  • I fought the bus and the bus won

    This past week, driving to work on 580 east my car “became involved in an accident” with a bus or large van (it happened very quickly and I left the scene in an ambulance, so I’m not positive of all the details). Our first step was to inform the attorneys for personal injury cases in…

  • New iPhone stencils for prototypers

    Interaction designer and prototyper Chris Stone recently volunteered to adapt the iPhone stencils in our OmniGraffle based stencil kit in the Yahoo! Design Pattern Library and optimize them for use in Adobe InDesign. Chris “created a customizable, vector-based iPhone stencil library for InDesign.” To make it he worked from the PDF version of the stencil…