Category: long story short
Why biologists don’t tend to vote Republican
In Pharyngula: This is never going to end…but once more into the breach. PZ Myers explains some of the “bias” against the political views of the current ascendant Republicans found in most university biology departments. Meanwhile, Bush has endorsed a constitutional amendment to prevent gay marriage (and possibly civil unions – the language is unclear),…
Proposed Santa amendment
So Bush has come out for an amendment banning gay marriage. Here’s Kerry’s line from today’s news, unusually sharp and on point: “All Americans should be concerned when a president who is in political trouble tries to tamper with the Constitution of the United States at the start of his re-election campaign.” Very nice thump.…
Plotting Dean's support numbers
Brian Dear has taken an interesting look at the Dean site’s running Americans for Dean counters.
Five seconds inside Mel Gibson’s brain
According this mini-bit from MSNBC, Mel Gibson was near-suicidal right up to the point he started making the Passion. Also, he’s pretty sure his wife, a very religious Episcopalian who he says is a saint and a much better human being than him, will unfortunately be spending eternity in hell. No disrespect meant to Mel,…
Safire still blinded by Hillary
In a blog entry praising Safire’s column in today’s Times, Kaus nonetheless notes that Safire’s main thesis is “insane.” I also couldn’t help noting that his Hillary-paranoia has taken a new turn. He now says that the Clitonistas were hoping for a Dean debacle to clear the way for Hillary in 2008, but didn’t he…
How Kerry turned it around
The Philadelphia Inquirer has an insider’s not-for-attribution look at the moment when the Kerry campaign hit bottom and then bet it all on Iowa – and won: The low point of the campaign came on Nov. 10, a cold, rainy Monday in Iowa. The night before, Kerry had fired his campaign manager, Jim Jordan, in…