Category: long story short

  • John Kerry’s first true test reports that Chevy Chase and Jon Voight will be starring in an upcoming film called “The Karate Dog.” But wait: The Karate Kid’s Pat Morita co-stars. But wait: It’s from the director of Baby Geniuses. And the writer of The Million Dollar Kid, which was that rarest of rare flowers: a Corey Feldman /…

  • Primary’s end

    Just a quick note as we end this primary season: Whatever happens from here on out, this is a primary that truly tested the nominee and left him and the party far stronger than they were when the process started up. Too many times over the last several years, it’s felt like the Democratic Party…

  • Tonight’s Democratic party primary debate…

    …was as eloquent an argument as you’re going to see for keeping the 2%ers out of at least the final primary debates. Dennis and Al are smart guys with a lot of interesting points to make, but really, right now, for just a minute or two, I was wishing they’d both shut up so I…

  • Why biologists don’t tend to vote Republican

    In Pharyngula: This is never going to end…but once more into the breach. PZ Myers explains some of the “bias” against the political views of the current ascendant Republicans found in most university biology departments. Meanwhile, Bush has endorsed a constitutional amendment to prevent gay marriage (and possibly civil unions – the language is unclear),…

  • Proposed Santa amendment

    So Bush has come out for an amendment banning gay marriage. Here’s Kerry’s line from today’s news, unusually sharp and on point: “All Americans should be concerned when a president who is in political trouble tries to tamper with the Constitution of the United States at the start of his re-election campaign.” Very nice thump.…

  • Plotting Dean's support numbers

    Brian Dear has taken an interesting look at the Dean site’s running Americans for Dean counters.