Category: Music
Jazz Fest, Day Three
Jazz Fest, Day 3 Originally uploaded by xian. iPhoto choked out while trying to upload my 91 photos from Sunday, but I’ll get them all up to flickr eventually. Here’s a shot of (some of) Don Vappie’s Creole Jazz Serenaders with Michael Doucet (of BeauSoleil) sittin in on violin – or is that fiddle? Oh,…
Jazz Fest, Day Two
iced coffee and four (huge) beignets large rosemint tea one nacatamal (b) one seafood gumbo Big Sam’s Funk Nation (congo square) Charles Teony of Recife, Brazil (heritage stage) New Leviathan Oriental Foxtrot Orchestra (economy hall) Fishbone (congo square), they started late, only heard 3/4 of a song large cochon de lait po-boy (en route to…
Jazz Fest, Day One
IMG_8605.JPG Originally uploaded by xian. Just uploaded 51 photos from today to flickr (the photo of Steve Riley and the Mamou Playboys is a link to my photostream over there). Took notes, will add them when I have time. Having too much fun to blog. Update: foodlog: iced café au lait three beignets two softshell…
Search engine re-optimization
I like this idea. We can fight fire with fire by helping to point comment-spam favorite phrases like online poker to innocuous pages (in this case the entry at wikipedia) rather than to the v!agra-ific spammy pages the comment spammers are trying to raise the pagerank of through polluting our blogs. Semi-related: I understand why…
Yahoo! and Google merge
For example, here’s the YaGoohoo!gle search for blogistan.
Did Hugh skew it?
Over at Personal Democracy Forum, Micah Sifry reviews Hugh Hewitt’s book Blog (about the political blogosphere) and finds it useful but hopelessly biased toward the right. This shouldn’t be surprising, given Hewitt’s day job as a right-wing talk radio host, but it’s still somewhat disconcerting given the misleadingly neutral-sounding title of the book. It seems…
Lazyweb request for help with mySQL (phpwiki problem)
Over at The Power of Many, the wiki-driven portion of the site is down because of an error of some sort in the “page” table in the mySQL database. I’m kind of stymied now and don’t know whether the error is even fixable, or if I’ll need to revert to a backup. Please drop me…
Thinking out loud
In My Back Pages, billmon explains why he reopened the Whiskey Bar and what motivated his continued approach to blogging: So what are you supposed to do when high officials in your own government – in power, right now – brag publicly, if anonymously, about committing (or at least enabling) bestial war crimes? What do…
From MJ's lips to my pate
IMG_0043 Originally uploaded by minjungkim. When I arrived at the Gawker party after leaving the Blogger party I told Min Jung I was feeling sort of unkissable, surrounded by so many people spotting her trademark lipsmack. She averred that bearded men are hard to do, so I whipped off my new Blogger-swag cap and leaned…
Mr. Sun on teh funny
Mr. Sun: Humor on the Web – what I’ve learned and where I’ve learned it is an online version of Mr. Sun’s presentation from this past week’s SXSW. All of the advice is good, but the last point must become your mantra: When in doubt: robots and monkeys.
Gourds last night, the Resentments tonight
Went to Stubb’s barbecue last night with Syrup and her beau to hear the Gourds and Old 97’s. Tried to eat there but there was 45-minute wait so we went to Jaime’s across the street and I had – wait for it – tex-mex again! Shrimp enchiladas were excellent, as was the top shelf margarita.…
Don't mess with Oakland
I told B I was going to wear my A’s cap in Austin at SXSW because it’s sunny there and I’d need an eyeshade and she thought that maybe Texans would be offended but I said that was silly. We can all represent our home towns without giving offense, right? Anyway, here I am blogging…
Awkward silence
For some odd reason both of the outgoing mail servers that route mail for me from my various addresses are stalling out repeatedly at the moment. This means I have about seven or eight messages in my queue that aren’t being sent out. This means that I may be trying to reply to email from…
We can rebuild it
I tore down the monolog at x-pollen and built it back up as a new standalone blog. It was a fake blog before. Now it has its own blog number in my system and for the time being it will only update when I update it manually (at least until I get a crontab working).…
Blog is beautiful
Jerry Brown is blogging. He is also running for attorney general of the state of California. He is also the mayor of Oakland. I voted for him in the California primary in 1992. He still has the generic TypePad design. Welcome!
Hot on the heels of ping spam comes referrer spam
Referrer spam, by which a spam domain gets visibility on your list of incoming links, is the cutting edge of blog spam these days. Jay Allen explains how to fend it off with a perl plug-in for MT-Blacklist (MT-Blacklist/Comment Spam Clearinghouse: Using MT-Blacklist on referrer spam). Laura “limon” Lemay has another approach to staving off…
Here comes the trackback spam
First it was wiki spam over at The Power of Many and now it’s a wave of trackback spam at all of my Mediajunkie sites! (Blogistan contributors may despam recent trackbacks)
Hurry up and wait
I woke up at 4:30 am on Monday for a 5 o’clock pick up to get to the airport by 5:30 for a 6:15 flight. As it was Monday morning, the security lines were incredibly long, but I had no problem making my flight (on Sky West, which shuttles for Delta). My plane on both…
By the time I'm over Phoenix she'll be rising
I’m headed to Albuquerque early this morning for a pop culture conference that starts later this week. I’ll blog from the site assuming connectivity is adequate.
and on Friday
I practiced chord forms (E, A) up the neck I cleaned the bathroom, specifically the toilet, but used too much of the spray stuff so the room was thick with it and the floor is now sticky. I spent most of the day digging through a year’s worth of unfiled stuff in my room /…
I felt busy…
…but it looks like I didn’t get as much done yesterday as I had intended: Thursday, February 3 dropped off rent practiced changes to “Friend is a Four-Letter Word” by Cake Scales and modes, pick and fingering exercises Practiced harmonized scales (D form, E form, A form) I must have forgotten to note something, though.