Category: Music

  • Yesterday

    Feeling productive: Wednesday, February 2 work on modes practice melody licks on guitar get money order for jazzfest tickets blog about state of the onion chat chat about the state of the onion iChat AV w/dad (birthday) make petrale sole with sauce bercy and salad and baguette

  • Songs in the key of January

    A random sample of stuff done this year excluding confidences, of course: Wednesday, February 2 worked on modes practice melody licks on guitar IMd with culture kitchen diva Liza Sabater Tuesday, February 1 paid for Moon over Briones picture grocery shop leftover soup for dinner play guitar and uke with Dan try, but fail, to…

  • State of the Union chat

    Feel like snarking back at the president or celebrating the Iraqi franchise or critiquing the production values of the pageant? I’ll be here: Join in a State of the Union BackChannel Chat, Tonight | Personal Democracy Forum (reblogged from The Power of Many: How to sit in the peanut gallery for tonight’s State of the…

  • Oakland District 2 Council seat candidate's night

    A month or so ago my city council representative, Danny Wan, resigned to take a better-paying position with the Port of Oakland. Justin Horner, the chief of staff for city councilmember Jane Brunner, is one of the candidates for the seat in the special election. He’s also a neighbor of mine. He came by knocking…

  • My arms are killing me

    For a few months I’ve been wondering why my upper arms have been aching. Did I lift something? Is it referred pain? Today, it dawned on me. I’ve been practicing guitar and ukulele for about an hour or so a day for almost a year. No wonder! Now I don’t even mind. It’s just like…

  • It wasn't Flickr's fault

    OK, my bad. I take it back. The various tools for uploading photos to Flickr seem to be working just fine. It was just a hiccup. Then again I don’t like the random bunch o’ photos I get in the sidebar here as much as I’d prefer perhaps the most recent. In other news, I…

  • by popular request

    go, little speed racer, go!

  • look ma, modigliani me!

    should i post manga xian too?

  • Flickr frustration

    hmmm, the iPhoto plug-in for Flickr seemed pretty cool. Then I hit my upload limit but that’s not the fault of the plug-in. So I upgraded my account there. Then when my PayPal payment cleared (or soon thereafter; i.e., today) I tried uploading a batch of photos and it keeps stalling out on the first…

  • Oft-neglected home page / journal / personal blog

    One of my new year’s resolutions was well not really but if I did make them would have been to spruce up my personal presence online. I’ve neglected both the journal site (wake up!) and the all-in-one compendium (my monolog at x-pollen), so i’ll be working on those over the next few weeks. Step one,…

  • How to teach science

    Quoting from The Poor Man: He Sat Right Down And Wrote Himself A Letter: [I]t is a waste of time to teach utterly uninterested schoolkids how to calculate reaction rates and trajectories of cannonballs and so on, things which are going to be about as useful to most of them in the grown-up world as…

  • Bloggers in the Oval Office

    Quoting The bloggers in the Oval Office… (BuzzMachine): Omar and Mohammed just told me about their visit to the Oval Office this week. They said President Bush assured them that we would finish the job this time. They told the President that they were grateful for their liberation and that the coalition did a great…

  • Google suggests

    Trying out the Google Guessing Rank (GGR) game outlined by Jon Scalzi, I got a kick out of watching what Google Suggest (it’s a beta) thought I might be searching for until I got four letters into my last name. Here’s the literal sequence if I type all the letters (counting even when it doesn’t…

  • Hoder on 'Starting a Local Blogosphere' (via Joho the Blog)

    Compare Hoder’s advice (via [VBB] BridgeBlogging, an eventblog entry by David Weinberger over at the weblog of the journal of the hyperlinked organization, aka JOHO the blog) to the things Dave Pollard has been doing right here in the Salon community at his How to Save the World blog: Hoder: You can only start a…

  • Posting to Drupal / CivicSpace sites with MarsEdit

    I had this problem recently trying to post to Personal Democracy Forum from MarsEdit (the Ranchero application I use with NetNewsWire, my feedreader). James Walker has the solution (using drupal’s blogapi with MarsEdit | walkah) – it involves selecting Movable Type instead of Drupal to get full category support.

  • No access makes the heart go flounder

    Been offline (mostly) since yesterday afternoon, with a few brief intermittent moments of access, during which I usually sent a big pile of queued up mail and tried to complete a few web-service-y actions. Line problems with my SBC DSL are the problem. I have to prove this every time by jumping through all the…

  • Your jukebox should know

    Scalzi is spreading a meme: Open up the music player on your computer (if you have one — the music player, I mean. Clearly you have a computer, because otherwise you couldn’t read this). Set it to play your entire music collection. Hit the “shuffle” command. Tell us the title of the next ten songs…


    My new motto is What would Philip K. Dick Do?

  • It worked!

    The spleen is back! Okay, ass monkeys.: The real Jeff Green is back. Do not read the previous posts by the Jeff Green pretenders who have been blogging here….

  • Blogging the election

    As if I didn’t already have enough places to post blog entries, I’ve recently become a contributing editor at Personal Democracy Forum where the staff is furiously blogging the election all day, particularly looking for technology related angles. We’ll be watching the buzz, the pollwatchers, the chatter coming from social media centers, and any other…

  • Chilling effects

    A letter from a city councilmember running for mayor of LA to an anonymous blogger (4th Floor Blog) has convinced her to shut down her blog (via Martini Republic and LA Observed). Here’s part of the letter: I appreciate the opportunity to respond to your comments, no matter how misguided and totally out of focus…