Category: Music

  • His dreams were his ticket out

    Jeff Green wonders what we were laughing at, when we were laughing at the Sweat Hogs. All I know is that there was a time “sport shirt on the iceberg” chanted to the beat of a conga line could crack up me and my sibs without fail. Around this time we were equally susceptible to…

  • A day without blogging

    Since I started Radio Free Blogistan last July I’d managed to post at least one entry every day, until yesterday. Since I use RFB to aggregate blog posts to a number of different sites, this means that RFB had a continuous calendar running back to its first day. I was kinda proud of this although…

  • Saddam hussy?

    This Yahoo entertainment news and gossip article (Saddam Starred in Gay Porn Films!) reads like an Onion article or some disinformation, but who knows? Say, wasn’t Salam Pax reported to be a closeted gay man (I think I read that in the New Yorker) from a well connected family?

  • Enlarge your coalition!!

    —begin forwarded text— ENLARGE YOUR COALITION! GUARANTEED!! Want a big international COALITION? Tired of getting spurned by hot European girls because of your “unilateralism”? Now, YOU can experience the COALITION ENLARGEMENT you’ve always wanted with a MASSIVE accounting breakthrough!! 100 GUARANTEED!!! THE APPEARANCE OF SIZE DOES MATTER! With the help of our GUARANTEED plan you…

  • Testing, testing

    OK, someone managed to ping my trackback ping metablog, so once again I’m trying to ping it myself. This post may disappear.

  • Operation Iraqi Liberation

    It’s been over three weeks since this (Who’s leading Who?) appeared in my in-box and it still creeps me out every time I go take a look. I think it’s the phallic nose. And, no, I’ve never thought this conflict was merely about oil, but it still amuses me to imagine the operation named as…

  • Google as OS

    Every few years some new technological framework comes along to challenge Microsoft’s dominance of the desktop. Since the advent of the Internet, Microsoft has managed to fight off Netscape (IE), Java (.Net), application service providers (Hotmail), remote process calls (SOAP), and U.S. antitrust law (Bush). OK, I’m waving my hands here. Not all these things…

  • OK, OK, dullest blog

    This one keeps showing up on my screen, so I might as well note it. The Dullest Blog in the world is a deadpan satire of inconsequential web journaling. It’s like shooting fish in a barrel. Yahoo’s crack crew of editors can hardly contain their mirth: Web logs have reached critical mass and become ubiquitous…

  • Forgive the mess here

    Apologies for the butt-ugly design choices visible right now here at X-POLLEN. I’m trying to track down a CSS (style sheet) error, and it helps me visualize the various design blocks to give them distinct colors and ugly borders. Maybe you can help. The problem is in the left two-thirds (links) area of the page.…

  • Euphemism karma

    As I recall, “regime change” first entered the vocabulary back in 1998, when it stood for a stronger position against Saddam’s regime in Iraq than disarmament, essentially promising that post-Gulf War sanctions against Iraq would never be lifted as long as the Saddam Hussein regime remained in power there. There may have been a whiff…

  • What's the word on C-Dilla?

    A friend on one of my lists wrote: …found some nasty stuff on C-Dilla – installed as a copy protection tool with Turbo Tax, seemed to cause some nasty stuff on my system running as a system service in Win2000. Searches on various forums turned up some news on it in game software with the…

  • Rhymes with bogosity

    Measure the buzzosity (suit and geek) of any website.

  • Hippies smoked my website

    Via MediaSavvy (a site whose brand combines two of my favorite buzzwords of recent times), I found this article called The Web’s Hippie Period is So Over. It’s an amusing take on the usual web dev chitchat, despite its ahistorical spin on the recent past. Gerry McGovern, the article’s author, is a content guy, web…

  • Little groupthink footballs

    Looks like the next blogger celebrity deathmatch (after Cory vs. Pirillo) is going to have to be o-dub vs. Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs. In an odd echo of the Anil vs. LFGers squabble from last year (also involving MSN’s blogspotting site), a new war of words is escalating (“I’m in his hometown. Want…

  • Morans

    Has everyone on the planet seen the morans picture by now?

  • Morans

    Has everyone on the planet seen the morans picture by now?

  • Ich bin ein Oaklandischer

    I think I followed Scot’s link to Justin Hall’s environs and ended up at the Beast Blog (“Because East Bay is Pig Latin for Beast”), reading about this Oaklandish logo: A deco tree with big branches and big roots both – “Oaklandish.” I first saw it on a sticker in the window of Walden Pond…

  • People who should have blogs

    off the top of me head: Jeff Green Dan Brodnitz Nicholas Meriwether Robert Meriwether Jennifer Crumlish Arthur Crumlish (pear and fills) don’t get me started on Crumlishes! Jeff Tiedrich Justin D’arms Doris Lessing Louis Menand Christopher Hitchens

  • Kids today…

    After attending most of the new media conference at the Berkeley J-school this past weekend I’ve got lots of notes, some photos, and very little time available to transcribe the notes and write up my comments. In the meantime, J-school webmaster Scot Hacker has some first impressions: Pink Is Evil. So much to say about…

  • Consensus on 'depleted uranium'?

    From the left (and from John Perry Barlow, recently) I keep hearing about how the U.S. and NATO use depleted uranium in their weapons, putting Iraqis (and others) at risk of radiation poisoning or genetic abnormalities. I also seem to recall scoffing at this or “debunking” of the danger from the right, but I don’t…

  • Circular dialogue on war in Iraq

    . A little late in the game, I find a link to Cronus Connections’ A Warmonger Educates a Peacenik. Will Instapundit be linking to this (or has he already)? I wonder. An excerpt: Peacenik: Why are we invading Iraq?Warmonger: For the last time, we are invading Iraq because the world has called on Saddam Hussein…