Category: Music
Catch Michael Jackson's kids…
MadBlast – Catch Michael Jackson’s Kids!
Don't hate me because I'm beautiful
B sends me this link to Maximum Participation Billboard Liberation
administrivia: new category: "dog ears"
All my life, I’ve turned down the page at the corner of the book I’m reading whenever a passage of writing strikes me in some particular way: as writing itself, or because it confirms or disputes some ongoing argument I’m having with myself. The gesture is vestigial, the first step in highlighting or underlining, annotating…
As promised
B’s new blog… I just posted about it at artsflow.
Believe it or not
I just burned my first music cd ever. With many technological advances I am the consummate late adopter. I like to let other people beta test the new techne at premium rates and jump in when the thing has proven itself and become consumer-easy. I waited till I bought a computer that could burn cd’s…
"know this"
Here’s one of my pet peeves about television writing. It seems that a writer wants to show a character getting serious and reinforcing some sombre truth, she has that character say to another “know this: I will never leave you alone” or “know this: I’ll be watching you” or something like that. This always grates…
Do the pink robots win?
Last night I saw the Flaming Lips open for Beck and then back him for the second half of his set. Good show, interesting alchemy. I have all of Beck’s records except his most recent one. And I only have the most recent Lips record, but I’ve listened to it a lot and plan to…
metaxian blog ping aggregation
I’ll be pinging this entry to see if I can get my other blog posts listed here automatically on the category page (x-pings).
Top 100 albums of the '80s
I haven’t found much to argue with in Pitchfork’s Top 100 Albums of the 1980s, but then I’m also a huge Pixies fan. Let me put it this way: if not for Doolittle, there would be no Pitchfork. In other words, the influence of this record is so vast that, fifteen years on, it has…
Pete Townsend reviews Kurt Cobain's diaries
“Hope I die before I become Pete Townsend,” wrote Cobain in his diary. Pete doesn’t seem offended so much as saddened in his review of the just-published journals of the suicidal muse of the ’90s. It is desperately sad for me to sit here, 57 years old, a huge chunk of life still ahead of…
Let me be the last one on the block to link to this bizarre flash soy sauce superhero risqué music video.
Humor crosses political lines
My dad forwarded me a Mad Magazine poster called Gulf Wars: Clone of the Attacks. The satire beat anything they put out in my day (except maybe their controversial “So why not pardon Hitler?” back-page ad after Ford pardoned Nixon. Even as a child I could see that was a little over-the-top. I usually get…
Reprising their roles…
I thought this was a brilliant bit of webhackery till I saw the Mad Magazine credit in the lower-right. See the full-sized version to read the fine print.
Writer's log
I feel that one of the things I’d like to be “logging” is the start, milestone-reaching, or conclusion of any of my writing projects. For example, today I completed the first draft of a review of The Deadhead’s Taping Addendum (PepperTonic, 2002) for the upcoming issue of Dead Letters Magazine, a scholarly (believe it or…
APOCAMON: The Final Judgement
From the Well’s Politics conference comes this link to APOCAMON: THE FINAL JUDGEMENT, which bizarrely combines end-times mythology (see the popular Left Behind series or your local evangelical for more on that) with Flash Pokemon-style animation. (Sidenote: when did “swag” become “schwag”?)