Category: Music

  • "Market Fundamentalism"

    I’m starting to notice this term (market fundamentalism) cropping up more and more from the left. Did it take severe accounting scandals and a precipitous drop in the Dow to bring forth the idea that this flavor of absolutism has become gospel on the right? Speaking of the scandals, I remember when the mantra was…

  • I'm Tired

    I’ll discuss blogrolling tomorrow (Tuesday).

  • Lieberman Had his Chance

    Joe Conason says Gore should run if only to preempt Lieberman, saying he added very little to the ticket in 2000. I’d tend to agree. I’m still fuming at him for giving a Cheney a pass during their one debate when Cheney claimed that his windfall fortune of the ’90s “had nothing to do” with…

  • Tom Tomorrow on the Web and Evil Bubbles

    This Modern World contemplates the madness of crowds.

  • Coming Attractions

    Tomorrow I’ll compare Radio and Blogger. I’ll also look at the term (and practice of) “blogrolling.”

  • Where did I leave that Higg's boson?

    Popular Science | The Hunt for the God Particle

  • Check out the big brain on Brad!

    Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance

  • Hot Off the Presses

    New linked articles posted at Junk Mail about: The Daily Howler taking the piss out of Ann Coulter The Economist worrying about W. The Washington Post: Ex-Dictator Broke, Living with Mom Semi Truth‘s timeline running down W.’s exciting business career

  • Hidden Comments

    There’s a nice little discussion following my previous post (thanks for the pointer, Scott) but I would never have known it without clicking on the “say what” link because it claims there are [0] comments. What’s up with that?

  • A Picture That Won't Choke Your Browser

    Here I am, just a few weeks ago, in my home office: x When do we get to see Ken Lay doing the perp walk for looting Enron?

  • Damn!

    Damn! Those are much too huge. Apologies. Will fix…

  • Experimenting with Pictures

    (hiding the pix—they were much too big in the raw) (UPDATE 2003: unhiding the pix – let them bloat the archive page… -ed.)

  • First time using Radio Userland

    How do I make titles for my blog posts? [Asked and answered, thanks.] OK, why am I starting another blog? My first weblog was breathing room started in 19987 when I was burning out after four years of trying to manage a collaborative noncommercial webzine (Enterzone), and it was all BB Edit and FTP and…

  • Page Me Later

    “full of bitterness and bile, but giving herself away with her sweet coda”

  • Tim on the O'Reilly Emerging Technologies Conference

    Subject: Re: Trip Report: O’Reilly Emerging Technology Conference From: “Tim O’Reilly” Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 09:35:40 -0700 X-Message-Number: 15 On 5/20/02 10:00 PM, “Curtis D. Frye” wrote: > > I was in a position to take Tim O’Reilly up on his generous offer to attend > his Emerging Technology conference… For those of you…

  • Somebody on freelance writing

    A few months ago, I recall, you reviewed (in the New York Times Book Review) Letters to a Young Contrarian by Christopher Hitchens and Letters to a Young Lawyer by Alan Dershowitz. How about Letters to a Young Free-Lance Writer? In highly abbreviated form, I would offer the following advice …

  • zis thing on?


  • Kill me

    MOVABLE TYPE :: Personal Publishing System

  • unvironmental news

    briggs i went to the watershed poetry reading and environmental ho-down in golden gate park on saturday, april 6, and then to a national poetry month reading at herbst theater also in san francisco, monday, april 8. we wrote up our observations, ostensibly for Literary Kicks (and also for briggs’ friend margarita [sp?] who gave…