Category: Musicology
35 ways to draw more readers to your blog (a series)
23. Write lots of numbered lists.
links for 2007-09-11
Apogee’s Duet: pro audio at a mini size – Engadget dream on, dream on, dream on, dream until your dreams come true, yeaaagh (via poly.chromatic) (tags: music gear audio pro mini)
links for 2007-09-10
Simple hackery enables free iTunes ringtones – Engadget for future reference (tags: apple free hacks howto iphone itunes music ringtones)
links for 2007-08-29
Mobile Web Design ~ A Book by Cameron Moll (tags: book books css design development webdesign mobile web)
links for 2007-08-22
Psychology Of Social Design » SlideShare (tags: social design networking reputation identity)
links for 2007-08-20
FINDINGS; The Whys Of Mating: 237 Reasons And Counting – New York Times The results contradicted another stereotype about women: their supposed tendency to use sex to gain status or resources. “Our findings suggest that men do these things more than women,” Dr. Buss said, alluding to the respondents who said they’d had sex (tags:…