Category: Musicology
links for 2007-08-18
Brad’s Thoughts on the Social Graph an aspect of portable social networks (tags: collaboration community FOAF identity interop network networking networks openid portable research social socialmedia socialnetwork socialnetworks socialsoftware society tags technology toread visualization web web2.0 webdev attention reputation presence) The Web as a loose federation of contractors — everwas Our human OS concept might…
Three things about me you may not have known
via B (who did hers in email): >**Three jobs I have held:** vendor at Yankee stadium, freelance legal summarizer, assistant sexton > >**Three Places that I have lived:** Lawrenceville, NJ; Glen Canyon, SF, CA; Washington, DC > >**Three TV shows I like to watch:** Flight of the Conchords, Ugly Betty, The Wire > >**Three places…
links for 2007-08-14
Data Visualization: Modern Approaches | Graphics (tags: dataviz visualization data design graphics information inspiration webdesign statistics)
links for 2007-08-13
coverpop: new stuff (tags: random fun) HTML 2.0 Pattern Language (tags: html pattern patterns patternlanguage) Design MatriX’s Pattern Languages subsite (tags: design language pattern patterns software ecosystem toread)
links for 2007-08-11
CSS Layouts (tags: accessibility browser css design development free generator grid layout webdesign templates layouts html yui)
links for 2007-08-09
I Was Hired By SF to Delete Postings : Indybay discussion of abuse of craigslist flagging (moderation) system (tags: community participation social reputation craigslist government marketing PR) 30+ Tools to Turn WordPress into a Personal Hub (tags: pep presence blogging aggregator blog blogs CMS community development hacks howto personal plugin plugins reference resources social socialnetworking…