Category: bodega
Number 5 with a Bullet
OK, I’m a little obsessed about my new meta-blog over at Salon, Radio Free Blogistan. I’ve posted more discussion comparing Radio Userland and LiveJournal (with lots of excellent comments from contributing readers), some pointers to my media junk mail blog,* and a brief discussion of the types of blogs, from diaries to bookmarks and everything…
Tinker, Tiger, Hacker, Eli
How embarasking! My alma mater caught breaking-and-entering electronically.
Ox Cold-Cocked by Rock
It appears that the Who’s John Entwistle’s fatal heart attack was prompted by a large amount of cocaine.
Only His Pride was Injured
I hate when this happens.
LJ versus Radio Userland in 50 Words
LJ and Radio both provide community features (comments, views of system users). LiveJournal hosts content remotely. With Radio, your database resides locally, but posts are hosted remotely. Radio offers categories (unlike LiveJournal). Both enable RSS feeds. Radio comes with an RSS aggregator and a mirroring tool using the Blogger API.
Elephants, Yeah!
Apparently, Pavarotti loves elephants (requires Flash).