Category: bodega
When Did LiveJournal Implement RSS
Purty cool. This was one of my complaints (very slooowly driving me to use MovableType for all my blogging needs), the lack of RSS support. I guess I need to add a permanent link somewheres saying something like bodega syndicate. Whoah, syndicate is one of those words that starts to look like it’s spelled wrong…
Feed Your Head
As promised, a photo that should melt your heart be it made of stone: (For some reason, her eyes—which are albino pink—show up darker in these photos. Yes, photos. I’ll post more if anyone begs me to.)
This article by Boing Boing co-editor Cory Doctorow is a great explanation of why I feel the need for a “personal expression platform” and what makes me want to get the mediajunkie project off the blocks. I’m reminded of the late ’80s when I encountered Negativland’s Escape from Noise album and then De La Soul’s…
Was really feeling discouraged last night. Up till past 3 am the night before and still unable to finish that color insert. Up early yesterday morning on about four hours sleep finishing it up in the morning. It’s still off the mark so it came back (to the drawing board) in the afternoon, at which…
White Rabbit
The neighbor’s bunny keeps escaping into our yard to munch the clover, dandelions, and daisies. It’s a tame-ish pet store bunny and Fraidy doesn’t know what to make of it. The black cat on the gray driveway and the white rabbit on the field of green make remarkably iconic sights to see in our backyard.…
Zis What I Sound Like?
Reminds of the second to bring relatively cool. It sure beat the basement (another today while replenishing our Supply of my this blog my looks and I hope need a very short it). I let really have discovered my time. I had noticed how short I need to bring relatively cool enough: to admit that…
Milestones Like Gallstones
Passed another today, finally getting a solid draft of the color insert in. Now all I need to do is supply copy and art for the inside front and back covers and I’ve met my 100% deadline. Oh frabjous day, callooh, callay. But of course not quite yet. After that the one remaining deadline of…
Bad News
The spammers have discovered my eFax number.
For All Your Villainy Needs
I think they need a few non-evil ringers for the AmIEvilorNot quiz at the Villain Supply website. Warning: must be willing to laugh at Bin Laden.
At Least I'll Never Do This
I can’t say I’m not vain and that I haven’t fretted over the years about my looks and especially about my receding hairline. I’d love to be able to say that I could care less but it’s not true. Sure, I’m no psycho about it. I’m more of a stoic. And when a good friend…
Spur of the Moment
I’m off to the Greek to see the Dead’s bass player, Phil Lesh, with his quintet. I really should finish the color insert material first, but I’m running out of time. Probably I’ll end up doing it Saturday between shopping and having E over for dinner. I’m thinking of renaming this blog “My Boring Life”—that…
Best Viewed in IE
This is kind of cool.
We're Running Out of Iced Coffee
…overheard at Peet’s today while replenishing our supply of Sumatra (whole beans) and taking my complimentary cup on ice.
Reclaiming the South Bay Saltponds
The newshook is that it’s the second biggest wetlands restoration project in the world (or maybe the country?), second to the Everglades (which apparently Jeb’s older brother plans to buy him as an early xmas present) or “largest on the West Coast.” I doubt B is on camera but she was at this photo-op press…
Dog Days Come Early
A combination of work de-stress and hot tropical weather has reduced my tendency (temporarily) to post here in this blog. Today we put the screens on the windows and soon I’ll be setting up our two-fan system (one at the bottom of the stairs to bring relatively cool air up from the basement, another near…
Fugue State
I last tracked my peak flow (breathing/lung-capacity) on 5/2, just before my trip to New York. This is mainly because of my workload and stress but it’s not a good thing. When under stress I need to be sure to do the things that help keep me on an even keel, which includes tracking my…
Ten hours sleep, weird feverish dreams (about all-hands meetings in strange nonexistent hybrid entities, about chapters to be revised, about people I worked with ten years ago), and then waking with that remarkable feeling: the worst of the deadlines have passed. There are just incidentals left to handle (intro, acknowledgements, dedication, part openers, color insert,…
Did Porn Sites Have the Earliest Blogs?
In the current blogging craze tipping point moment (a computer book author list I’m on right now is discussing MovableType under the thread “Is MT is or is MT ain’t the shiznit?”), I got to wondering if, as usual, porno pioneered yet another micromedium. I mean, the people who market the make-your-own-porn-site kits always include…
Load Balancing
Slowly but surely the extreme imbalances of the last few years are subsiding. Things are still uncomfortably overscheduled, but I can feel things about to ease off. Listening to the Pixies today, my mind improvised “On a wave of mild elation.”
Be Careful
When clipping you fingernails with toenail clippers.
Rainy Day, Dream Away
Slept in, scanned the Sunday Chronicle, had scones and toast. It’s coming down hard outside (of course, B watered extensively yesterday) and the cat is acting a little stir-crazy. Next we’ll have a second pot of coffee and skim through the tape of Will Ferrell’s last SNL appearance as a cast member. Finally, we’ll get…