Category: bodega

  • I [heart] Lynda Barry

    Went to Diesel Books in Oakland last night to hear Lynda Barry talk before a book signing. She is amazing! I’ve always loved her comics (comeeks?) but I didn’t realize what an amazing writing teacher she is! She was funny, honest, and incredibly inspirational. She sings when she’s nervous. She’s really good and unaffected. Sang…

  • Saving McDonald's

    Motley Fool has 10 Tips to Save McDonald’s: 7. You want to milk that Disney relationship and introduce a new revenue stream? When Spy Kids 2 and Lilo & Stitch get released into the home-video market, enter into a revenue-sharing deal with Mickey Mouse and rent the videos and DVDs with drive-through convenience. You can…

  • "Your brother is a good dancer."

    A got my notebook back. Left it on Geo’s roof. Perfect balmy weather, like today, after dusk with few stars but a spectacular view of the Williamsburg bridge. I was warned that the sound system could bring the cops. I imagined dj’ing the whole lower-east side. “Alphabet city say ho-o.” “Williamsburg bridge put your hands…

  • Mirror Pix Up

    Got the notification yesterday that my Mirror Project submissions were accepted. I think they look even better with the gray background at the site, a subtle framing. They’re still not as good as the toasters, eyeshades, and other found reflections, but for what they are, they’re OK. The first has a kind of Kilroy was…

  • My Submissions to the Mirror Project

    I’ve always admired online collaborations like the mirror project and I’ve respected it enough to not just waddle into my bathroom and snap some pictures and send them in. Last week in New York I found myself in a beautiful room festooned with mirrors and I snapped a bunch of shots, some better than other.…

  • xian TV

    I’ll be on TechTV tonight at 7 pm, on the show “The Screen Savers.” I wrote about this just now at RFB. Disturbing referrers: A lot of Google searches for TSS’s Megan Morrone nude are showing up in my logs.