Category: 2004 Election

  • Scoop: Presidential race still tied. Developing…

    Here’s a quick replay of the last several months: Kerry up by 4 — oooh, Bush is really in trouble now. Bush up by 1. Sounds like Kerry’s on the ropes! Kerry up by 2, whatever will Bush do? And all this drama driven by polls that generally have margins of error around 3 or…

  • Geekiest protest sign ever

    I saw this picture or Ross Mayfield’s weblog (he got it from Boing Boing).

  • Bush’s 20 Electoral College “Bonus Votes”

    Here’s a bit of arcane, but consequential US Civics: One of the ways the Electoral College is skewed is that states don’t get Electoral votes in proportion to their population. There are 435 votes allocated by population, according to the number of seats the state has in the Hose of Representatives. Then each state gets…

  • Iraq and Afghanistan – democracies?

    Regarding Bush’s Olympics ad referring to Afghanistan and Iraq as democracies: Don’t you actually have to have at least one successful election before you can call something a democracy? Isn’t it just special that George Bush refuses to remove the ad, contrary to the wishes of the Olympic brass and the Iraqi soccer team, while…

  • John Kerry eats human brains

    Tonight on The Daily Show, John Kerry finally puts all those “was he wounded? did he bleed? really? really?! how much did he bleed? and does he really bleed at all? or is he an undead? a zombie? a creature of the night? a crypt thing?” questions to rest by letting host Jon Stewart puncture…

  • Who’s more negative – officially speaking?

    With the subject of negative ads rearing its ugly head again, I was wondering who is in fact running the most negative campaign (I know, I know – just humor me). With all the so-called 527s obscuring the message, wholly-independent Republican groups and surrogates of Kerry alike, I figured the best way to get to…